Posts Tagged: career

Life and Work are All About Perspectives

This week, I was fortunate enough to attend the Transportation Security Administration’s (TSA) Mentor Program event where Steve Ressler, GovLoop’s CEO and Founder, was invited as a guest speaker. The event was designed to congratulate the 650 + participants of the program, reinforce the importance of what everyone was doing, and share some inspirational storiesRead… Read more »

Fostering Diversity & EEO is #2 Public Sector Priority for 2015

Most government agencies understand the business case for diversity and equal employment opportunity (EEO). It’s evident by now that diverse employees bring a broad range of ideas and viewpoints to the table which can promote positive change, spark innovation, increase productivity and maximize strategic mission-driven results. This is particularly true as the nation and laborRead… Read more »

Why You Should Be Scheduling Informational Interviews

Whether you’re deep in the job hunt or just curious about new possibilities, an informational interview can be a fantastic way to get your foot in the door at a new company, build contacts, and score new opportunities. What’s an informational interview? An informational interview is essentially a face-to-face conversation that lets you get informationRead… Read more »

New Year, New Resume

Every year we make resolutions…and we break them. If you are planning on applying for a position in 2015, reviewing and/or updating your government résumé is a resolute you need to make and just can’t break…especially if you are that government employee who wants to climb the GS scale ladder. In my experience, employees attemptRead… Read more »

New Year’s Resolutions: Let’s Be SMART (or CLEAR)

Hello! Let me be the first (or more likely, the 181st) person to welcome you to a new year! Let’s just all agree that 2015 is going to be a good one despite the crushing disappointment of not having hoverboards like Back to the Future II promised us, okay? As we all get back toRead… Read more »