Posts Tagged: career

Is 2015 When You Should Quit Your Job?

“You’re still at the same company, right?” your cousin asks as the holiday meal is being cleared away. “How are you liking it?” Quick, what’s your answer? As we stand at the cusp of a new year, it’s only natural to look forward to what next year will bring – especially with questions like these comingRead… Read more »

A Look Back: Reflecting on 2014

I learned a new phrase this week: “time confetti.” It’s a phrase that Brigid Schulte, author of Overwhelmed: Work, Love, And Play When No One Has The Time uses to describe the harried mishmash of time in modern life. Our days are sliced to ribbons by hordes of overlapping responsibilities, our constant connectivity to workRead… Read more »

The Principle of Authority – A Rule for Your Success

“When E.F. Hutton talks, people listen”. Check out the YouTube video.  I’m sure you’ve seen commercials where a doctor, dentist, athlete or a celebrity has recommended a product. This is the principle of authority at work, suggesting, if doctors, dentist or E.F. Hutton recommends it, well, it must be worth having. Knowing how to useRead… Read more »

What is a Veteran?  

The other day, as I sat among an honored crowd of Veterans, I wept quietly for a number of reasons. You see, my youngest children both are in schools where Veterans are honored in beautifully displayed ceremonies full of patriotic pomp and circumstance. I sat there as the only woman Veteran. I sat there asRead… Read more »

Stop What You’re Doing — Engage Your Employees!

Agency leaders and managers — stop what you’re doing – focus and engage! You’re looking at a whirlwind of challenges and problems that seemingly feed on each other as you drown in an ocean of HR calamities: It takes too long to hire someone You can’t attract the talent you need New employees are boggedRead… Read more »