Posts Tagged: career advancement

Excelling at A New Job: Stories from The Front Line

The first few weeks of any job are stressful. You have to learn new ways of doing things, adapt to office culture, and establish a new network. These challenges are exacerbated when it’s your first full time job. I talked to former GovLoop Marketing Fellow, Natasha Dabrowski, about her experiences with her first few weeks.

6 Tips to Get Ahead in Gov

Dave Uejio, Acting Chief Strategy Officer of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB), gave us a hard truth at today’s Next Generation of Government Summit. He said, “There are barriers in place that preclude us from reaching our potential.” In government, he continued, this can be particularly true. Especially if you’re a woman or racialRead… Read more »

5 Tips for Making the Most of Your Government Career

Latonia Page and Rachel Dorman facilitated a discussion on how to Make the Most of Your Government Career at the Next Gen 2015 Conference. Here are their top five tips that you can start using today to further your career in the public sector, whether at the local, state or federal level. Consider your careerRead… Read more »