Posts Tagged: CDM

CDM Phase 3: What You Need to Know

In an effort to enhance the federal government’s cyber posture, the Department of Homeland Security created the Continuous Diagnostics and Mitigation, or CDM, program. CDM provides DHS, and other federal agencies, the capabilities and tools to identify cybersecurity risks on an ongoing basis, as well as detect and respond to threats in real time. TheRead… Read more »

CDM: Where Cybersecurity Meets Big Data

This interview is an excerpt from our recent research guide, “Continuous Diagnostics and Mitigation (CDM) and Einstein: The Foundations of Federal Civilian Cyberdefense.” To download the complete guide, click here. Continuous Diagnostics and Mitigation (CDM) requires constant monitoring to ensure government IT departments strengthen the security of their cyber networks. When the general public thinksRead… Read more »

The Sweet Spot of Continuous Monitoring

This interview is an excerpt from our recent research guide, “Continuous Diagnostics and Mitigation (CDM) and Einstein: The Foundations of Federal Civilian Cyberdefense.” To download the complete guide, click here. As cybersecurity has evolved into an arms race between hackers and protectors, continuous monitoring has quickly replaced periodic security posture assessments. But according to MarkRead… Read more »

Addressing the Critical Issue of Printer Security

This interview is an excerpt from our recent research guide, “Continuous Diagnostics and Mitigation (CDM) and Einstein: The Foundations of Federal Civilian Cyberdefense.” To download the complete guide, click here. Continuous monitoring (CM) enables agencies to constantly assess their IT security risk posture from all levels of the organization. It provides current security and complianceRead… Read more »

How DHS is Creating the Future of Cybersecurity

With constant news about breaches detected and how government is managing the fallout from them, it seems like we are in a reactive state of cybersecurity today. Will that always be the case? If not, what does the future of government cybersecurity look like? At our event, Evolving Tactics to Combat the Cyber Threat, MarkRead… Read more »