Running Into Walls
“Find the disguised opportunities in your problems”- Jack McDowell
“Find the disguised opportunities in your problems”- Jack McDowell
Freshwater nutrient pollution alone costs the U.S. more than $2 billion each year. And that stat is an underestimate because it doesn’t account for brackish estuaries or the 95,000 miles of salty coasts. In an effort to help address this problem, EPA is part of the Challenging Nutrients Coalition, a group of federal agencies, universities,Read… Read more »
Prize competitions have led to incredible breakthroughs: naval navigation, architectural masterpieces like the Sydney Opera House, Charles Lindbergh’s transatlantic flight, and the commercialization of space travel. One of the first examples began in 1418 in Florence, Italy, when town officials issued a contest to build a dome for Santa Maria del Fiore Cathedral – commonlyRead… Read more »
Citizen engagement is as old as the idea of government itself. However, with the advent of real-time communication technology, citizen engagement has become so easy that it is now an expectation of the average citizen who assumes that their feedback will be not only heard, but responded to. This feedback is happening everywhere – onlineRead… Read more »
TaskRabbit began six years ago as an online marketplace where users can outsource small jobs to others in the surrounding community. From buying your dog food, to picking up your dry cleaning, to installing your Ikea furniture, or cleaning your oven, the site contracts out any chore you can imagine. Now an emblem of today’sRead… Read more »
Governments today face serious, seemingly intractable public management issues that go to the core of effective governance and leadership. Government leaders are presented with difficult choices, but also unprecedented opportunities. The right kind of leadership approach and style can drive change in government. From budget reductions to a struggling economy, disasters to pandemics, the seeminglyRead… Read more »
The Centers for Disease Control have launched a new app – Solve the Outbreak – to help teach people about disease outbreaks. The interactive game allows users to track, solve and prevent future outbreaks. Alex Cassanova is the Innovations Team Lead at the CDC. He told Chris Dorobek on the DorobekINSIDER that the users playRead… Read more »
Last week we told you about TopCoder. (You can access the entire interview here). But basically TopCoder is member based group of more than 460,000 coders from around the world, that harnesses the power of crowd-sourcing to achieve goals. It seems fairly straightforward right? But, Mike Lydon, the Chief Technology Officer, told Chris Dorobek onRead… Read more »
Competitions are changing the way government iterates and innovates. NASA and OPM have both opted to use TopCoder to create new apps. TopCoder is member based group of more than 460,000 coders from around the world. TopCoder harnesses the power of crowd-sourcing to achieve goals. Mike Lydon is the Chief Technology Officer and Jim McKeownRead… Read more »
Project management is a large part of many government employees’ jobs. GovLoop reached out to members of our online community and surveyed project managers to gain insight into what their projects are like and what hurdles they face. One of our goals is to generate conversation about what the challenges are for project managers andRead… Read more »