Posts Tagged: Change Management

The Greatest Danger in Times of Turbulence Isn’t the Turbulence-It is to Act with Yesterday’s Logic

This quote by management guru Peter Drucker is very relevant today. Citizens’ expectations of government have been ratcheted up significantly and utilizing the previously deployed approaches to address constituent’s concerns may no longer be successful. By now you are familiar with the different types of resistors and the strategies that they typically deploy. In theRead… Read more »

“Whosoever Desires Constant Success must Change his Conduct with the Times.”

This Machiavellian quote encapsulates this week’s blog, which is a continuation of last week’s blog where we categorized the six tactics people utilize to avoid accepting change. To recap, there are several different tactics that are typically taken that can be classified into the following six categories Only Game in Town We Are theRead… Read more »

“People don’t Resist Change. They Resist Being Changed!”

This Peter Senge quote is very appropriate for this week’s post. In last week’s blog we discussed why people typically resist change. ( In this week’s entry, we take it to the next level by discussing why and how people actually resist change. What barriers and arguments do they use to convince themselves that changeRead… Read more »

Why Do We Resist? Categorizing the Different Types of Resistance

Ah yes, an age old question, why do people resist change? A simple question that does not have a simple response. Is it because we are creatures of habit or is it that we crave consistency over correctness? Perhaps it is because we as individuals, as well as organizations desire stability and constancy and thatRead… Read more »

Creating the Secret Sauce – Selecting Change Management Champions

To achieve successful implementation of major change, a public sector organization must identify multiple Change Management Champions (CMC) to help lead the grass roots efforts for change. Ideally, CMC candidates should opt into the role. After all, forcing employees to be a CMC would appear to be antithetical to what change management is all about.Read… Read more »

Getting it Right: Critical Success Factors for Change Management Initiatives, Part 2

As a follow-up to last week’s blog this week’s entry focuses on the five additional Critical Success Factors (CSF) that a successful Change Management (CM) program needs. To recap, in last week’s blog, I discussed in detail the following five factors: Effective program management Strong support from the executive champion Clear goals and specificRead… Read more »

Getting it Right: Critical Success Factors for Change Management Initiatives, Part 1

There are multiple Critical Success Factors (CSFs) that a successful Change Management (CM) program needs, so I decided to devote two separate blogs to the concept. After working with several public sector clients, helping spearhead their change initiatives, I have identified the following CSFs: Effective program management Strong support from the executive champion Clear goalsRead… Read more »

The Impact of Ignoring Change

I was recently working with a west-coast municipality supporting their Constituent Relationship Management (CRM) business case development process. The project was going quite well as all the ingredients for success were in place, including: Strong executive sponsorship, A committed project manager, and A sound change management (CM) strategy led by a seasoned CM veteran. DuringRead… Read more »

Change Happens—How Do You Manage It?

Change Management is a planned approach to transitioning the people of an organization through a business transformation. A unique problem with the implementation of a new system, program or strategy, is the natural resistance of certain individuals to change of any kind. Frequently, this resistance results from personnel not understanding the issues involved. It isRead… Read more »