Posts Tagged: change

6 Tips for Encouraging Innovation in your Workplace

One of the most effective ways of getting your employees to think outside the box, innovate, improve processes and increase efficiencies is to start by asking questions, rather than providing answers. Your staff members have a wealth of ideas for how to do their jobs better, but many might feel hesitant to make suggestions. EvenRead… Read more »

How Can You Make Real Change? Use the Three R’s

“Scared Straight” versus “Relate” As Human Services Administrator for the City of Santa Clarita, California, I oversee programs that help young people find jobs, resist drugs, get healthy, learn new skills, and avoid gang membership. We invite ex-gang members to speak to “high-risk” teens and we show teens in our Community Court program videos thatRead… Read more »

Leading Across Boundaries in an Era of Complex Challenges

Governments today face serious, seemingly intractable public management issues that go to the core of effective governance and leadership. Government leaders are presented with difficult choices, but also unprecedented opportunities. The right kind of leadership approach and style can drive change in government. From budget reductions to a struggling economy, disasters to pandemics, the seeminglyRead… Read more »

10 Truths About Change Management

As an Organizational Development (OD) and Change Management practitioner, I often find myself having conversations with leaders regarding change management – what it is and what it isn’t. Last week I wrote about 10 change management myths. This week it’s time for some truths. So what are some hard truths about change management? Change isRead… Read more »

10 Myths About Change Management

As an Organizational Development (OD) and Change Management practitioner, I often find myself having conversations with leaders where I need to address change management myths. Many leadership concerns regarding change management are common issues, though, many are perpetuated by myths. So what are some of the biggest myths about change management? Change is easy –Read… Read more »

How Should DATA Act Implementation Impact Federal Project Management Practices?

Introduction The recent passage of the DATA Act (Digital Accountability and Transparency Act of 2014) got me thinking about the data management work that will have to be initiated to support its implementation. Since both standard and existing legacy systems and processes will be impacted it’s likely a variety of data related project work willRead… Read more »

A Recipe for Change

We have all heard the phrase “Change is Good.” But is it? Change can be good; however, making a change without regard for those affected by it, is a recipe for trouble. When a leader tells employees about a change instead of involving them in the change, a team’s work quality, morale, and motivation suffers,Read… Read more »

The Final Frontier

We are embarking on the greatest business revolution in 4 generations. It affects the whole economy. The biggest change in ownership since WWII is starting now and will continue through the next 15 years. More than one half of small and medium business in the American economy are owned and managed by Boomers, and willRead… Read more »

The Secret to Successful Organizational Transformations

One method of teaching is the use of negative examples. To get my important point across to top management, I will turn to some real life examples. The first not-so-successful example was a financial services firm with thousands of employees. It started down the path to adopting an inclusive approach to improving operations that wouldRead… Read more »