Posts Tagged: change

GSA Asks Industry for Climate Change Mgmt Ideas

The General Services Administration‘s acquisition management office conducting market research into services meant to help other agencies manage the impact of climate change on their missions. Contractors would provide services to support a federal action plan intended to help identify risks and opportunities associated with the changing climate, the GSA said in a Sept. 26Read… Read more »

Information Technology Isn’t a Miracle Solution

We’re in a rapidly advancing technological age…I mean this article is being posted online and probably read on mobile devices and shared via social media. With every passing year (sometimes it feels like every week), it seems like there’s some new information technology (IT) platform to learn and integrate into our daily lives – forRead… Read more »

4 Tips on Fostering Diversity and Inclusion

To continue the discussion on diversity, the Department of the Interior hosted an event to elaborate on the tactical implementation of agency’s Inclusive Workplace Strategy. This event served as a follow-up to last week’s Diversity and Inclusion Leadership in the 21st Century put on by the Partnership for Public Service. The talk consisted of aRead… Read more »

Building a Federal Workforce that Looks like America

It’s been two years since President Obama signed the Executive Order on Diversity and Inclusion in the federal workplace. As we all know, organizations and organizational culture take a great deal of time to change. This is especially the case for government agencies, which are often over a hundred years old. Today, I attended anRead… Read more »

Selling a revolutionary idea in 5 minutes or less ?

The 2013 Next Generation of Government Summit includes a speaker contest where nominations were solicited for topics that identified an innovative project or a great idea to revolutionize government. The uniqueness of the contest is that the speakers only had “5 minutes” to sell their idea. Although my topic was not selected, the challenge inspiredRead… Read more »

Leadership: Approach Depends on Deck You’ve Been Dealt (Part 4)

The traditional leader is seen as a charismatic hero, a lone figure, towering above the rest. These are seen more in the military or business worlds – Gen. George Patton, auto executive Lee Iaccoco, computer guru Steve Jobs. But in reality, the success of a leader depends on the context, or environment, in which theyRead… Read more »

It’s a Fiscal Cliff! It’s a Sequester! It’s Ineffective Leadership?

As much as I would like to jump on the “sequester bandwagon” and write yet another article about the impact this enormous change will have on our country, I’m going to take a different approach on the topic that is monopolizing water cooler discussions these days. I, like the rest of us, have been readingRead… Read more »

Climate Change is Now a High Risk

The Government Accountability Office has stepped into new territory by adding climate change to its list of the 30 most high risk challenges facing the federal government. What’s their rationale for adding it? Typically, we think of the GAO focusing on territory familiar to auditors, which is what most of the high risk list does:Read… Read more »

Leadership, Technology, and Change

Change is everywhere. Change happens at breakneck speed – BUT it takes time to recognize and adopt/adapt. Recall the typewriter return at the end of each line – and how long it took typists to stop using it in word-processing. We unconsciously cling to the old models and cite them as ‘rules.’ The Information InterviewRead… Read more »