Posts Tagged: change

Selling a revolutionary idea in 5 minutes or less ?

The 2013 Next Generation of Government Summit includes a speaker contest where nominations were solicited for topics that identified an innovative project or a great idea to revolutionize government. The uniqueness of the contest is that the speakers only had “5 minutes” to sell their idea. Although my topic was not selected, the challenge inspiredRead… Read more »

Leadership: Approach Depends on Deck You’ve Been Dealt (Part 4)

The traditional leader is seen as a charismatic hero, a lone figure, towering above the rest. These are seen more in the military or business worlds – Gen. George Patton, auto executive Lee Iaccoco, computer guru Steve Jobs. But in reality, the success of a leader depends on the context, or environment, in which theyRead… Read more »

It’s a Fiscal Cliff! It’s a Sequester! It’s Ineffective Leadership?

As much as I would like to jump on the “sequester bandwagon” and write yet another article about the impact this enormous change will have on our country, I’m going to take a different approach on the topic that is monopolizing water cooler discussions these days. I, like the rest of us, have been readingRead… Read more »

Climate Change is Now a High Risk

The Government Accountability Office has stepped into new territory by adding climate change to its list of the 30 most high risk challenges facing the federal government. What’s their rationale for adding it? Typically, we think of the GAO focusing on territory familiar to auditors, which is what most of the high risk list does:Read… Read more »

Leadership, Technology, and Change

Change is everywhere. Change happens at breakneck speed – BUT it takes time to recognize and adopt/adapt. Recall the typewriter return at the end of each line – and how long it took typists to stop using it in word-processing. We unconsciously cling to the old models and cite them as ‘rules.’ The Information InterviewRead… Read more »

Is Your Business a “Benghazi”?

So by now most of you are aware of the incident that occurred at the US Embassy in Benghazi on September 11th 2012. An independent panel was established by the U.S. Government to further investigate how the attack occurred, how it was handled, and what can be done to prevent such future issues from takingRead… Read more »

The Learners vs. The Learned: Which one are you in 2013?

Read more at Connect on Twitter @ drbillbrennan The Learners vs. The Learned: Which one are you in 2013? This past summer I had the very fortunate opportunity (with my good friend and colleague @triciainter) to spend two days with the fine people of Miles College talking about Leadership and Learning in an AgeRead… Read more »

New View from the Big Chair

The World Is Changing Future Shock in the ‘60s said we could only accommodate so much change before a melt-down; many believed Toffler but does it still apply? Change happens at a breakneck speed, however it takes time to recognize and adapt. The Information Interview, a mainstay of job transitions, doesn’t work anymore. Thought Exercise:Read… Read more »

Implementing An Organizational Realignment – Useful Guidelines

With any organizational realignment or restructuring the challenge and real work is in the details of implementation. There are risks, challenges and issues to identify, address and manage. Realignment can be as small as rearranging a few positions and responsibilities or a major re-positioning of large divisions, along with changes to their operating units, processesRead… Read more »