Posts Tagged: change

Creating Culture Change That Sticks

How does a leader change the culture of an organization that is resistant to change? Start by working with the existing culture, says business writers in a recent Harvard Business Review article. In this way, the culture can be an accelerator of change, not an impediment. Business writers Jon Katzenbach, Ilona Steffen, and Caroline KronleyRead… Read more »

Identify and Prepare for Changes

Paul J. H. Schoemaker has a great article 9 Ways to See Change Coming. To master the art of anticipation, he recommends: Look for game changing information at the periphery of their business Search beyond the boundaries of current, prevailing views Recognize potential changes before the competition does Connect the dots of incipient trends byRead… Read more »

Health Care Security is a Fundamental Freedom — Part III

Corporate America Gone Wild! Some opponents of health care reform assert that the Affordable Care Act will result in a lack of personal freedom due to the so-called individual mandate. But what about our freedom from Corporate America gone wild? Freedom from Wall Street conartists. Freedom from bloated barrons of banking. And freedom from theRead… Read more »

Innovation Survey: How do Federal leaders advance innovation within their organization?

Discussing innovation within the Federal Government typically brings to mind images of Todd Park and Vivek Kundra or the TSA IdeaFactory and DARPA. This is not the common face of innovation for many Federal leaders. Federal executives lead innovative organizational changes from process improvements to new acquisition strategies regularly. I want to know what lessonsRead… Read more »

Seven Guideposts to Achieving the Impossible

In this article, former White House advisor, Guy L. Smith, now Executive VP of Diageo North America, offers management strategies to help teams achieve the impossible. The key, Smith believes, is providing your team with the critical motivation to achieve more than others think is reasonable or possible. Below, Smith outlines exactly how managers andRead… Read more »

Why is no one talking about the ‘pink elephant’ in the room? Or are they?

So your organization is going through some type of change. How can lack of communication during times of change affect your productivity and profitability? More than likely your employees know what’s going on earlier than you may think. Actually, if your organization is currently going through a change, employees and customers are probably talking aboutRead… Read more »

Federal Conference on Diversity: Real commitment is key for change

Why are we still asking the same questions and exploring the same issues? What needs to be different? This is how Sharon Fitzpatrick opened her discussion, “Diversity and Inclusion”, during today’s Federal Conference on Diversity. “We have the wrong conversations about the right things – lack of commitment, unwillingness for change, lack of resources,” sheRead… Read more »

Workplace Griefbusting: Transforming Loss and Grief Ghosts into Creative Flow

In a 24/7 world that’s forever reorganizing, upgrading, and streamlining, employees and organizations are caught up in a cycle of change, loss of control, and uncertainty that may challenge mission and morale…but change and crisis also generate heightened energy, focus, and opportunity. However, many are not prepared to “let go and launch” because they areRead… Read more »