Posts Tagged: change

The Importance of Executive Sponsorship – Mini Case Study

Currently I am working with a client who is in the process of developing an RFP for a Constituent Relationship Management (CRM) solution. The draft RFP was completed in early June and reviewed by project team members, including the steering committee, very quickly. The draft was considered final by mid-June. During this review process, theRead… Read more »

The Obama Jobs Speech: Real Life Leadership Lessons.

Real life leadership lesson – be transparent, congruent and authentic to both yourself and to those you lead! To be clear – I am wearing my organization development practitioner hat here. This is a bi-partisan analysis of a real life event to highlight what I believe are imperative traits of successful leadership -transparency, congruence, andRead… Read more »

To jump-start the economy, is an “Organizational Development Intervention needed?

A recent US Senate hearing on the recruitment and hiring of college graduates made it clear that the Senators as well as the panelists from government and academia faced difficult questions about the future of the workforce and the dismal U.S. economy. The harsh reality is that the marketplace is not producing enough jobs forRead… Read more »

Creating the Change Management Communications Plan

It has been a while since my last blog. A combination of heavy travel and recovering from surgery on a torn Achilles tendon has caused me to re-adjust my schedule. It’s good to be back. In this week’s entry we will discuss developing the change management (CM) communications plan. As discussed in previous blogs, communicationRead… Read more »

Management 1.0 – How are things in the U.S?

In Australia management in the public sector has an unhealthy managerialist bent. In a nutshell, a one size fits all approach coupled with the inherently arrogant notion that ‘more management’ is the solution to everything. In the main, this sad state of affairs has been peddled in the public sector by strategic human resources orRead… Read more »

GovBytes: Do You Have a $50,000 Idea For Improving Government?

Do you have a great idea on how to use technology to improve government? If so, the Merit Awards want to hear from you. According to a recent story in GovTech, MeriTalk will be awarding $50,000 for the “most innovative, problem-solving and cost-saving proposal centered on technology.” Ideas can be entered in one of eightRead… Read more »

Retain User Adoption consultants beyond the initial contract to sustain ROI.

This article was previously published on Tri Tuns blog. OBSERVATION You are responsible for ensuring end-user adoption of the IT system in your organization. To ensure this occurs, you retained consulting services unique to user adoption, such as Tri Tuns. Now that the contract is near completion, you are worried that you may see aRead… Read more »