Posts Tagged: change

Defining Collaborgagement

As I wrote in a earlier posting, I coined the term collaborgagement while attending a session at John Newton (Alfresco’s CTO) commented that the next generation of enterprise IT tools need to serve the middle of the enterprise – the domain of the knowledge workers. These tools need to support collaboration, knowledge management, andRead… Read more »

Applying the New Capitalist Manifesto to Open Government

The original version of this post can be found at acidlabs. Any comments you wish to make would be appreciated there. As a part of the research work I’m doing for my book, I’m reading radical economist, Umair Haque’s, The New Capitalist Manifesto. In it, Haque posits a set of Laws for the 21st CenturyRead… Read more »

From Passionate Process to Poetic and Playful Puzzle – Part I: The Art of Reviving and Writing “The Reorg Rag” ™

As I open this essay, please forgive an immodest turn. Upon reading or hearing one of my edgy or catchy phrasings, for example, the title of my book, Practice Safe Stress, or a motivational mantra, such as, “Do know your limits and don’t limit your ‘No’s,” I often receive some verbal or nonverbal sign ofRead… Read more »

Changes in 2011

My son announced last week that he was moving out on his own. This wasn’t a huge surprise to me; he’s 21 years old, he just finished up his Culinary certificate program and has a job and he’s itching to be on his own and “all grown-up” (weren’t we all at 21?). He’s moving intoRead… Read more »

The “New Media Director” Position is Just a Means to an End

This post originally appeared on my external blog, “Social Media Strategery.” In 2010, the position of “New Media Director” within the government has become almost commonplace. From governors to senators to Departments and Agencies, now you can attend a GovUp and leave with more than a dozen business cards, all containing the title of NewRead… Read more »

Go on…be a Tortoise!

One of the things I have realized, sometimes painfully so, is that within the innovation management discipline how much of that takes place is change management, not innovation. In fact, the innovation management aspect is easier, in my opinion. The change management part within the broad public sector is difficult for everyone to tackle, especiallyRead… Read more »

Getting to Know the Elephant

About two months ago, Lovisa Williams of the State Department wrote on her blog about about six areas that need attention if the current changes in government (toward openness, transparency, and collaboration) are to be institutionalized : People. We need to find ways to support the change agents and others who are working to ensureRead… Read more »

Changecasting: A Better Way to Communicate Change?

In the last twenty years, I’ve probably read hundreds of books and articles on organizational change. My dissertation was a case study of a major organizational change. In all that time and all that I read, I found very little that dealt with how to best communicate a vision for change. The advice was mostlyRead… Read more »

But I Don’t WANNA Change!

How many of us have thought (or said) those words? Whether we like it or not, social media has changed the way we communicate and interact with other people. For some that change has been exciting for others it has been exhausting, but for anyone engaged in social media, they have already accomplished one thingRead… Read more »

How To: Obtain a Contracting Job in the Federal Government (GS-1102 series)

Times have never been worse, yet never better for obtaining a position in the Federal Government as a “contract specialist” commonly referred to as a GS-1102. My name is Robert Knauer. I am a certified professional contracts manager, certified professional purchasing official, and federally certified at the highest level (Level III) in contracts. I retiredRead… Read more »