Posts Tagged: change

When things are broken… A CALL FOR LEADERSHIP

The hatred and disrespect surfacing in the debate about health care reform and education and other discussions in recent days has gone wild. Much of it isn’t about these topics, but something more disturbing — a real contempt for others — an unwillingness to consider anything new and different. I keep wondering how our childrenRead… Read more »

The Evolution of the Social Media Evangelist

This post originally appeared on my external blog, “Social Media Strategery.” I’m currently going through my annual assessment, and in completing my self-assessment, I had some time to reflect on the last year and subsequently, over my six years at Booz Allen. As I combed through old emails and files, I thought back to 2006Read… Read more »

Government 2.0 Taskforce Roadshow – Encouragingly Refreshing

I attended the first Government 2.0 Tasforce Roadshow held yesterday in Canberra at the Australian Bureau of Statistics in Belconnen. Whilst the agenda was published on the Taskforce web site I really did not know what to expect on the day. Given the format the event took it would have been more useful to bothRead… Read more »

Leaving the room I’m not in, anyway

Originally posted on my blog, Talking Salmons. Sometimes in the office, I have to leave the room. My boss-ish (I have three), and his boss often go back and forth about the evils and pitfalls of social media. I’m never invited to the conversation–big people talk and all of that, but I hear every word.Read… Read more »

Shifting from Gov 1.0 to Gov 2.0

Republished from eGov AU. Sometimes it is difficult for those of us who are new to the public sector to really appreciate the scope of the changes required to transition government institutions and cultures from a 1.0 to 2.0 mentality. It’s not simply a process of mandating a directional change from political levels (though thisRead… Read more »

Social media now more popular than personal email – Neilsen

Republished from eGov AU. In their Global Faces and Networked Places report (PDF), Neilsen has found that social networks and blogs (Member Communities) are now the 4th most popular online category – ahead of personal email. In December 2008 Neilsen found that 59% of online Australians used social networks and blogs, compared to 80% inRead… Read more »

Culture Change for Government 2.0

The text and slides below are for my session at Public Sphere #2 – Government 2.0: Policy and Practice which is being held at Parliament House tomorrow. The talk is just 10 minutes long, so I don’t go into any real depth – but it is a nice, quick overview. For something organised quickly andRead… Read more »