Posts Tagged: change

Social Media for Gov’t conference: vibe in the room last year vs. this year

Chatting with fellow ALI conference attendees Andy Krzmarzick, Ari Herzog, Maxine Teller and John Stauffer after today’s sessions, I made an observation about this same event one year ago vs. today, plus a hypothesis about why this difference might be. Observation: last year’s conference had an excited – almost giddy – optimistic energy about socialRead… Read more »

Enterprise Innovation

From John Hagel, Harvard Business Review: The “edge” takes many forms. Generally speaking, edges are peripheral areas with high growth potential…Technology edges take shape as technological innovations begin offering new capabilities. The “core,” by contrast, is where the money and resources are today…the core symbolizes the inside of the enterprise, its principal capabilities and primaryRead… Read more »

Web 2.0 – Meet the new Hype, same as the old Hype

Judas? Not quite Lest I be confused with non-web 2.0 enthusiast or, worse, proclaimed contrarian to the very type of forum where I’m contributing by this writing, let me offer a blatant caveat right up front here: I’m a web 2.0 advocate and believer, a regular social computing junkie, and generally optimistic guy. I useRead… Read more »

Climate Science and Public Policy

1. Climate Science and Public Policy (Part 1): New Challenges in a Web 2.0 World In the first of two presentations (February 18), Rod Dobell and Justin Longo will discuss the flow of results from climate science into the formation of public policy in light of three new developments that alter the context for publicRead… Read more »