Posts Tagged: charity

GovLoop Microlending Statistics

For those of you who know me, I am a numbers guy. So I decided to look at the numbers of the GovLoop lending team (on the Kiva website)… * We have participated in 54 loans totaling almost $72,000 (GovLoopers lent $3,825 of that amount). * The largest total of loans went to Tanzania ($11,300)Read… Read more »

Odwalla® Teams with Virginia State Parks for Greener Future

The Odwalla Plant a Tree program allows people to donate trees, free of charge, to local State Park systems Virginia residents don’t need to get down and dirty this summer to plant trees in our state parks. With the ease of a mouse click, the Odwalla Plant a Tree program allows you to donate aRead… Read more »

GovLoop Contest Winner – George Washington University!

The GovLoop Battle of Colleges Charity Contested has officially ended with the winner being the George Washington University. 2nd place goes to George Mason University and 3rd place goes to American University. Despite our range of members, I guess the D.C. connection is strong although if given another week or so I’m guessing you wouldRead… Read more »