Tips for Incoming Chief Information Officers
Congratulations on your new role as chief information officer. Here are some things that can help in the early stages of your tenure and beyond.
Congratulations on your new role as chief information officer. Here are some things that can help in the early stages of your tenure and beyond.
Innovation in the public sector can help solve some of communities’ most intractable challenges.
Since coming to Santa Clara County, Ann Dunkin has prioritized Agile processes and digital services, which have saved the county hundreds of millions of dollars.
In the wake of countless breaches, state chief information officers (CIOs) are attempting to hire a more robust cybersecurity staff. But it’s not easy. One of the major stumbling blocks is the lack of talented cyber professionals-this is especially true at the state and local level. Historically, CIOs have typically been viewed as the managersRead… Read more »
Cloud computing models often require agencies to rethink their processes because cloud actually introduces a new velocity and a new cadence.
Refer to the first post from the same conference, here. Much of talk about IT focuses on how IT is a fast-paced and ever-evolving movement. In all the hustle and bustle of government IT, we tend to forget that the role of people plays an incredibly important part. Christopher Dorobek sat down with a panelRead… Read more »
If you’re anything like me, you’re pretty overwhelmed with the never-ending commercials concerning the newest updates, systems, and innovations the IT world sends out. We are inundated with more and more. It seems the IT world is constantly evolving – but is that the reality? On December 18th, 2014 Christopher Dorobek sat down with aRead… Read more »