Facing a Challenge? Ask Yourself This Question
Whatever challenge you’re dealing with, this powerful question can help you find your way forward.
Whatever challenge you’re dealing with, this powerful question can help you find your way forward.
Not where you want to be in life? The great thing is that the next five years can be completely different from the last five, if you make a few changes now.
How do you go about falling in love with your work all over again?
Bob Tiede (@bobtiede) writes on leadership at his website, www.leadingwithquestions.com. On his list of ten questions leaders need to ask themselves, Bob has this nugget about change: “When is the last time I abandoned a program?” Yikes! That is a tough one for us govies. We are skilled at identifying problems and developing solutions, whichRead… Read more »
In his book, The Compound Effect, Darren Hardy says that if you do simple, little, daily habits, that over time you will wind up successful. When you make small but intentional changes in your life daily, there is a compounding effect that leads to the satisfaction you desire. The key is to do this DAILY. YouRead… Read more »
During the 17-day Federal government shutdown my company, Corner Alliance Inc., had to make some tough decisions. Many of our employees were not able to perform work (read: make money) including myself. I worked the first week of the shutdown on internal Corner Alliance tasks, like our website and a Virtual Participation Best Practices document.Read… Read more »
Watching the budget battle play out these past few weeks (perhaps months and years) between Republicans and Democrats can only leave one feeling deep frustration and a sense that things will never truly change. Those emotions are not only accurate they are the clue to the true reason why deficits are soaring and budgets areRead… Read more »
Is it too late, or do we have time to reshape thought, mind, body and spirit to the requirements of this, our time here? For convenience, we feed on fats and grease and extruded loaves of sugar. Left with a diet of sugar and grains devoid of nutrients we get of all things, fat! WeRead… Read more »