Building a City of the Future
How to build a city from the ground up.
How to build a city from the ground up.
Do you center joy or pain in your decision making?
Learn where and how you should build bike lanes in your city to foster equality and engagement.
American cities grew and thrived as their immigrant populations swelled. And the benefits brought by immigrants far exceeded labor — but were more about the creative, rigorous contributions to daily life in our cities.
We grow the most in inclusive public spaces where people are different than us. How do we build these inclusive public spaces in our cities?
After slogging through the Great Recession, cities are making a comeback in a big way. Residents have been flocking to urban areas across America to take advantage of jobs, parks, convenience and amenities. Population growth in large cities exceeded 1% on average from 2010 – 2013, and cities gained more residents in the first few yearsRead… Read more »
If you’re a government geek (like me) you love to see how federal, state, and local governments set their budget priorities. And (like me) you probably get even more excited when you can see those priorities linked to revenue and spending in an easy-to-find, read, and understand format. Below, I’ve shared some of the bestRead… Read more »
Myung Lee, Executive Director of Cities of Service, offers her perspective on the midterm election and how city leaders around the U.S. are advancing volunteerism to solve problems in their communities.
The impact of technology on our cities, governments, and society at large is undeniable. It’s amazing to see how the Internet of Things, mobile technology, and collaborative innovation are being applied to solve challenges in medicine, transportation, and education. One exciting application of this technology is to solve a problem we all know and loatheRead… Read more »
Because I am involved in cycling as both a user and as a designer, I try to make an effort to check out bicycle facilities whenever I can. Over the last month, I had the opportunity to try out the bike share program in both Denver and in Chicago. This allowed me to tour someRead… Read more »