3 Ways Agencies Can Use Low-Code to Quickly Adapt to Change
Using low-code development platforms, agencies can keep pace with policy changes and more rapidly deliver agile, flexible citizen experiences.
Using low-code development platforms, agencies can keep pace with policy changes and more rapidly deliver agile, flexible citizen experiences.
As an introvert, making phone calls is not something I particularly enjoy doing. But the shelter-at-home requirements in many locations make it necessary and useful.
Explore survey results about government CX and learn the elements and technology solutions to consider when improving government CX.
A smart city needs a government that keeps pace with technology advances. This article identifies 3 steps you can take to become a smarter city!
What can cities and counties do to improve their user experience? Check out these 3 steps all municipalities should take to improve citizen engagement.
The concept of placing the citizen at the center is known as the human-centered design (HCD). HCD is a design and management framework that develops solutions to problems by involving the human perspective in all steps of the problem-solving process.
Assuming you’ve already developed a streamlined user interface (UI), it’s time to start centering your attention on the behind-the-scenes processes that will help you build and maintain that connection between governments and citizens.
“Customers want better services, but we’re also trying to be ahead of the game and be innovative and look out at other cities and [the] private sector to see if we can leverage their work,” said Ted Ross, the city’s CIO.
Why do governments at all levels make it so difficult for those affected by policy decisions to affect those decisions?
Most citizens are completely disconnected from the public budget processes that dictates where their tax dollars are spent or collected. The public budget process is one that evokes images of thousand-page budget printouts, dry dialogue and sparsely attended public meetings, so who can blame citizens for not paying attention? The creation and implementation ofRead… Read more »