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INSA Security Clearance Reform Recommendations

Since 1947 the average spy began committing espionage after 12 years of service. That highlights why periodic reinvestigations (PR) are critically important. The influential Intelligence and National Security Alliance (INSA) has released the Security Reform Policy Council white paper on Leveraging Emerging Technologies in the Security Clearance Process. INSA includes a number of connected, heavyRead… Read more »

Alcohol and Your Security Clearance

Your use of alcohol and, more specifically, the following circumstances, can impact your eligibility for a security clearance: a. Criminal conduct involving alcohol b. Counseling or treatment for alcohol use c. Excessive use/drinking to intoxication There are various sections on the Personnel Security Questionnaire SF-86 which can elicit responses to determine if your judgment shouldRead… Read more »

Postponing Your Job Search During the Holidays: A Bad Choice

As the holiday season arrives many job seekers make a bad decision – to lessen, or shut down all-together, their job search with the thought they’ll renew and resume their search in the new year. Bad decision! Why? A misunderstanding of how hiring happens. Many job seekers mistakenly believe that employers stop hiring during theRead… Read more »

Job Search Lessons from May’s Military Holidays

May is the month we recognize and remember several aspects of our military: Military Spouse Appreciation Day (May 10) is a recent recognition of their support.Armed Forces Day (May 18) recognizes those currently in service.Memorial Day (May 27) recognizes those who died in war. Memorial Day began as women, individually and in clubs, decorated theRead… Read more »