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Sharing the good news!

It’s interesting that with all the new technology, some things still stay the same – job fairs. Yes I know this is considered “old fashioned” and maybe even down right boring, but you have to look at the niche industries to see something a little different, like mine for instance. For those who don’t knowRead… Read more »

Now what? Career transitions made simple

A post from Patra Frame, HR Strategist for ClearedJobs.Net At many of the seminars I give I see people who are facing a career change and they are not at all sure how to manage it. Whether you are transitioning from the military or federal service, looking for new opportunities after years in one area,Read… Read more »

Battle of Wits — Asking the right questions during an interview

You’ve done your resume, connected through networking, submitted the application, made it through the phone screening, through the security scan and are finally in the interview! In “Princess Bride” terms, you have crossed the ocean, climbed the really, really long rope up the cliff, bested the giant, overcome Inigo Montoya’s swordsmanship (and conversation!), and areRead… Read more »

Extreme Job Search Makeover Winner!

It was an exciting time this last spring as we looked over the applications for the Extreme Job Search Makeover. While we had many entries, one that stood out to us captured the essence of what many security cleared job professionals were grappling with. “Please tell us why you are in need of an ExtremeRead… Read more »

Meet Sam: a Cleared Job Fair job seeker with an active security clearance seeking new career opportunities

Meet Sam. Sam is a security cleared job seeker living in Northern Viginia who has attended numerous job fairs beyond our own in the past 15 months. When we met him at our past Cleared Job Fair on January 21, 2010 at the Westin Dulles, Sam was one of the very first job seekers toRead… Read more »

Meet Marie E. … a job seeker from our Cleared Job Fair last week

At each of our Cleared Job Fairs, we are lucky to work with employers who really go the extra mile to meet and interview with as many job seekers as possible. Our good fortune also extends to the job seekers. Many job seekers come to our job fairs uncertain about what to expect while here.Read… Read more »

Today is Military Spouse Appreciation Day (May 8, 2009)

Wishing anyone and everyone in GovLoop who has a married family member in the military …. or who know of a military spouse in need of a hug or support, today is their day. Clearly, these families need our support every day but it’s nice there is one day of the year where they areRead… Read more »