The Evolution of Agenda Software, Part 1
The evolution of agenda management technology and why it is important for clerks
The evolution of agenda management technology and why it is important for clerks
What do you know about the clerk working in your city our county government? We’re guessing probably not a lot. However, a clerk in your local government is constantly doing a lot of work — mostly behind the scenes that you may never know about. And the fact is, the job of a clerk is criticalRead… Read more »
Back in April, I asked the question: “How Can Social Media Help Governments Serve the Booming Hispanic Population?” I gave a few ideas then (see the bottom of that post). Well just last Thursday (May 26th), the U.S. Census Bureau “released a 2010 Census brief on the nation’s Hispanic population”. It’s got some newly compiledRead… Read more »
“NJ court: High costs is denial of access; awards atty’s fees” (The Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press) (HT Virginia Coalition for Open Government email) “[Quincy] Massachusetts Turns on Camera for Court Proceedings” ( “The initiative, called “OpenCourt,” incorporates digital technology such as video streams and live broadcasts and makes the media available onRead… Read more »
This week is celebrating two large groups of government employees: Municipal Clerks and all of those in Public Service. Public Service Recognition Week About: Public Service Recognition Week (PSRW) is hosted annually by the Partnership for Public Service and the Public Employees Roundtable. Their website has a “Celebration Toolkit” and an “Events” page to helpRead… Read more »
Your email inbox is overflowing, your phone is ringing constantly, and your assistant is on vacation. Requests are pouring in for more detailed information about the council meeting, and you haven’t even turned on your computer yet. If only you could check-off the most important post-meeting task, “Finish Minutes,” within an hour of arriving intoRead… Read more »
I’ve seen a lot of discussion and tips being shared on Govloop around the ways governments are handling citizen participation online – over social media, through their website, etc. I wanted to promote a blog post one of our clients, Wendy Clock-Johnson, Citywide Records Manager for the City of Sacramento, recently contributed to Granicus’ ConnectingRead… Read more »