Posts Tagged: Climate

Join in for Earth Hour March 27.

I would like to encourage everyone to participate in Earth Hour 2010. The movement symbolizes people working together to make a positive impact to protect our future and that of future generations. Visit to sign up and get posters or other ideas to get others involved. It is a great event and requires littleRead… Read more »

Building a Wiki Community: Pet Projects

Since launching the moderated wiki, Whorunsgov has, on a couple of occasions, created projects to entice people to contribute. We try to focus these projects on narrow topics that people have strong opinions about. The projects include: 1) Tracking Blue Dog Democrats’ stances on the proposed health-care bill 2) Highlighting advocates and lobbyists that workRead… Read more »

Climate change and a Gov 2.0 event in Toronto

I’ve been following the activity around climate change, sustainability, and cleantech especially closely, in recent weeks. Part of it is due to some specific sustainability and cleantech related events I’ve been involved in, including the GreenXchange and the Austin Clean Energy Venture Summit. Also, it’s because I’m thrilled at the pace with which social media,Read… Read more »

Five Things Obama Should Say in Friday’s MIT Climate Change Speech

A great post from my boss, Jessy Tolkan, executive director of the Energy Action Coalition. This commentary originally appeared on The Huffington Post Green. Almost a year into President Obama’s administration, the young people who turned out and voted for him in record numbers, hopeful that he’ll deliver bold action on climate at home andRead… Read more »

Climate Science and Public Policy

1. Climate Science and Public Policy (Part 1): New Challenges in a Web 2.0 World In the first of two presentations (February 18), Rod Dobell and Justin Longo will discuss the flow of results from climate science into the formation of public policy in light of three new developments that alter the context for publicRead… Read more »