How the Cloud Can Strengthen Fed Internet Connections
A recent Small Business Administration pilot program shows how the cloud could reinforce the security of the federal government’s internet connections.
A recent Small Business Administration pilot program shows how the cloud could reinforce the security of the federal government’s internet connections.
Public- and private-sector experts explain how a cloud-based disaster recovery strategy helps government agencies recover faster after calamity harms their IT infrastructure.
Before agencies can modernize, they need to assess the viability of their underlying infrastructure to power new innovations, applications, and services. But traditional environments are often crowded with hardware-defined legacy systems – usually operating in silos.
Canada is continuing to expand its cloud strategy with AWS partners.
At the end of 2017, NIH launched the NIH Data Commons Pilot Phase to accelerate biomedical discoveries. We spoke with Project Leader Vivien Bonazzi to find out more.
CloudForte helps federal agencies flexibly and rapidly deliver their mission objectives with the confidence that cloud resources are being consumed securely, cost-effectively and resiliently.
FedRAMP is enabling agencies across federal, state and local levels, to safely access a wide range of cloud-based technologies for digital transformation.
Canada has long been looking to the cloud to expand services for the public sector.
A better way to acquire IT that more closely matches the speed of innovation has long been a priority for agency CIOs. The government is responding with new acquisition approaches.
In government, there is a huge push to consolidate data centers and move processes to the cloud. With automation, agencies can move workloads to the cloud quickly, while staying secure, and not requiring an increase in manual processes.