Posts Tagged: cloud

Keeping the Water On With Cloud Computing

This interview is an excerpt from our recent guide, Top Challenges & Solutions From State and Local Governments, which examines 16 case study examples transforming the way government safeguards information and technology. Flipping on the light switch to illuminate a darkened living room, or turning on the shower to a full stream of hot water areRead… Read more »

State and Local Governments Embrace the Cloud

This interview is an excerpt from our recent guide, Top Challenges & Solutions From State and Local Governments, which examines 16 case study examples transforming the way government safeguards information and technology. For the fourth year in a row, the state of California is suffering from record draughts. In March, Governor Jerry Brown unveiled a $1 billionRead… Read more »

Changing the future of international trade

Every year, more merchandise flows across national borders. In the fiscal year of 2012 alone, $2.38 trillion in US-focused imports took place, representing a five percent increase over the previous year – a figure that is only magnified in the global landscape. Yet traditional customs activities and resources remain cumbersome, and success brings alongside itRead… Read more »

Moving Forward with the Cloud

Unless you’ve been pulling a Rip van Winkle in the woods for the past 20 years, you’ve probably heard of cloud computing by now. Many private sector companies have successfully integrated cloud services into their infrastructure; now government organizations are beginning to follow suit. At Govloop’s Evolution of the Cloud event, Deputy CIO of theRead… Read more »

How the Cloud Enables Tech Transformations

It’s an accepted fact that cloud is a valuable and respected technology in government, and that it’s quickly evolving and become ever more important in a variety of agencies. But what we don’t often stop to think about is how cloud computing actually enables everybody at all levels of government to achieve something traditionally difficultRead… Read more »

Defending the Future

Time keeps on slippin’…at least that’s how it feels when you look at how fast technology is advancing. The speed at which the private sector is developing and implementing new technology has left government agencies like the Department of Defense scrambling to keep pace. In the recently released GovLoop guide, “The DoD of Tomorrow,” weRead… Read more »