Posts Tagged: cloud

Government: The Final Frontier?

Is cloud computing the next technological frontier? If it is, then enterprise cloud computing software companies like Box are like the equivalent of the USS Enterprise. Rather than exploring unknown boundaries of space, they push modern technological boundaries to reach new frontiers of business communication, sharing and collaboration. If cloud computing companies are the Enterprise,Read… Read more »

Protecting Your Data in a Hybrid Cloud Environment

This blog post is an excerpt from GovLoop’s recent guide, Forecasting the Cloud: Eight Ways the Technology is Changing Government. To download the full guide, head here. Today’s IT organizations are all under incredible pressure to respond to a variety of different business and citizen needs – and as a result there’s hope that movingRead… Read more »

The Simplicity of the Software-Defined Network

This blog post is an excerpt from GovLoop’s recent guide, Forecasting the Cloud: Eight Ways the Technology is Changing Government. To download the full guide, head here. Today, the public sector is seeking solutions to its networking challenges. Organizations want their networks to adjust and respond dynamically, based on their policies, and they want thoseRead… Read more »

The Tech Loop: This Could Get Ugly

The Tech Loop is a weekly compilation of the latest happenings in government technology gathered from around the web. This week’s topics include cybersecurity, digital services, and big data. Cybersecurity Love is in the air. Everybody wants some Silicon Valley love. A week after DoD announced it would open an office in the Valley, theRead… Read more »

The Tech Loop: Let’s Get Digital, Digital

The Tech Loop is a weekly compilation of the latest happenings in government technology gathered from around the web. This week’s topics include cybersecurity, digital services, and big data. Cybersecurity Can’t we all get along? Defense Secretary Ash Carter announced the department’s new cyber strategy that is attempting to harness the power of Silicon ValleyRead… Read more »

The Tech Loop: Dude, Where’s My Car?

The Tech Loop is a weekly compilation of the latest happenings in government technology gathered from around the web. This week’s topics include cybersecurity, cloud, big data, & GIS. Cybersecurity Makin’ moves. The House passed two complementary cyber information-sharing bills this week. Both pieces of legislation would give companies legal liability protections when sharing cyberRead… Read more »

Overcoming Cultural Barriers to Cloud & aaS Adoption

The following post is an excerpt from GovLoop’s recent industry perspective, Changing the Conversation: The Case for “As-A-Service.” In the brief, we examine five major challenges to aaS and cloud adoption and provide strategies to overcome these barriers. Ultimately, we aim for readers to view aaS and cloud not just as an IT issue, but as a sound businessRead… Read more »

The Tech Loop: Cannon Ball!

The Tech Loop is a weekly compilation of the latest happenings in government technology gathered from around the web. This week’s topics include cloud, IoT, cybersecurity, and big data  & analytics. Cloud My understanding is a little foggy. Having trouble separating cloud fact from fiction? This resource should help. Lack of understanding may be aRead… Read more »