Posts Tagged: cloud

Securing SaaS: U.S. Government Weighs In On Security Controls

Taking the plunge into the cloud is generally a good idea for companies that are coming out of 20th century hibernation, where paper-based processes were the norm. Now, better alternatives exist, but the transition from older methods to new cloud-based services takes careful planning, something that can be made far easier if you’re working withRead… Read more »

Storm’s Impact On Amazon Data Center Renews Cloud Concerns

This post was originally published in AOL Gov. To read the entire article by Wyatt Kash, click here. Federal agencies and regional data center operators, including one operated by Amazon Web Services, are still taking stock of the impact of widespread power outages that began Friday night and continue to leave large swaths of greaterRead… Read more »

Cloud Storage: Are you a believer?

Flavor Flav once said “don’t believe the hype,” but should we when it comes to cloud computing? In administrative circles it seems to be the talk of the town, and certainly has benefits, though it’s still developing as a way to store data. Christopher Dorobek of the DorobekINSIDER recently sat down with Jim Sweeney, ChiefRead… Read more »

Survey on Cloud Computing in the Public Sector – for a Graduate School Research Project

I am asking you to devote a few minutes to complete an online survey at The survey is designed to gain information on key factors that influence the adoption of cloud computing services in the public sector. The information sought is for a thesis research project at the University of Massachusetts Amherst.Individual responses will remainRead… Read more »

Protecting Your Online Privacy is Easy – Here’s How

In the May 7th, 2012 post, I talked about policies you can implement to protect your online privacy. That post reinforced how important it is to use common sense when online. The biggest take-away from that article was not to use free services for editing, storing, or communicating personal information. However, it’s not always possibleRead… Read more »

Protect Yourself Online – Just Common Sense

There is a lot of hysteria about online privacy. It’s easy to understand when there’s an ad scrolling across the top of your screen referencing the words you just typed into the email you’re composing. Creepy. I mean, if they’re watching what you type, what else are they doing with your private information? I guessRead… Read more »

VMware’s vision, strategy and direction for the Cloud

Curtis Brazier will present VMware’s vision, strategy and direction for Cloud Computing as they move into 2012 and beyond. The session will include exposure to VMware’s strategy for IaaS, PaaS, DaaS (Data as a Service) and end user consumption. VMware will discuss the technology that makes this vision and strategy come to life and howRead… Read more »

Google Drive vs. Google Cloud Connect for Microsoft Office

When I wrote in my blog last week that Google Drive’s announcement arrived with a whimper; that was after my initial impression. After working with it for a week, I would like to upgrade my appraisal from cool reception to something just shy of ‘game-changer’… let’s just call it ‘significant’. Why the change? Looking atRead… Read more »