Posts Tagged: cloud

Giving Federal Workers the Gift of Mobility and Security

Authored by Bob Hansmann of Blue Coatand originally published on Blue Printblog. Remember a time when the office shut down for the holiday season, really meant that the office was shut down? When desktops and workstations sat idle and server lights barely blinked with the lack of network activity? Those days seem like a longRead… Read more »

A Future in the Clouds

Originally posted on Iron Bow TechSource Blog. By Lee Koepping, Client Computing Practice Director, Iron Bow Technologies In his first major policy speech, the new Federal CIO, Steven VanRoekel, announced that he’s going to build on his predecessor’s “cloud first” initiative and expand it in significant ways. “Future First,” as VanRoekel dubbed it, envisions aRead… Read more »

Shared Services Canada – The case for Enterprise Cloud Computing

Transform! Migrating to Shared Service Cloud Computing – Webinar Canadian Federal Government recently announced plans to create a single IT department ‘Shared Services’ that will save $100-200m a year through consolidation-driven efficiencies. Our webinar will: Introduce ‘Enterprise Cloud Computing’ Explain how it is applied in Government Specifically how it can be utilized to achieve theseRead… Read more »

Head in the Cloud? So are Some States…almost!

The Sacramento GovUp last week was no different than all the other GovUp‘s GovLoop has hosted; full of great ideas, an eager movement forward and an opportunity to network with people at all levels of government. Scott Gregory, California’s newest Geographic Information Officer, brought many great ideas to the table that are both aggressive andRead… Read more »

To Know the Cloud Is to Embrace the Cloud– Survey of Gov’t IT Professionals

My firm, Bluetext, just released a survey of government IT professionals that found, perhaps to no one’s surprise, that those most familiar with cloud services recognize that they can gain efficiencies and realize cost savings by moving to the cloud. What’s more interesting, however, is the perceived lack of support by managers and leaders forRead… Read more »

Remember the 25-Point Plan? Give It A Try!

Vivek Kundra may have departed as federal CIO, but the 25-point IT reform plan lives on. Of the 25 points, agile, incremental systems development stands as perhaps the most important, if least original, prescription in the document. Since federal agencies have a long history of “grand designs” – overly ambitious systems plans with vague requirementsRead… Read more »

GovLaunch: Ten Federal Cloud Computing Breakthroughs

To keep up-to-date, cut costs, and eliminate the need for extra equipment, the U.S. Government should increase its efforts to introduce more cloud computing across agencies. I think that the sharing of resources would cut down on government spending, while also enhancing the productivity of many workers. Over at, this article speaks about DavidRead… Read more »

Are you a City/County Manager? Follow ICMA Conference Highlights!

Whether you are attending the ICMA conference or not, we want to make sure you have access to the vital tech-related information being covered at this event for City/County Managers all over the globe. Today, Granicus revealed this ICMA News Portal to keep you connected. Check out our schedule and get involved in the discussionRead… Read more »

New Federal CIO Steven VanRoekel’s Agenda: Implications for the Future of Federal IT

Is the new federal chief information officer, Steven VanRoekel, markedly different from his predecessor, Vivek Kundra? How will Kundra’s ambitious IT agenda fare under the leadership of a new CIO? How will VanRoekel’s leadership change the future of federal information technology, and the way the U.S. government works? Find out more in this issue briefRead… Read more »

Use a Word Cloud to See if You Are Emphasizing the Right Keywords in Your Resume

Word Cloud. You’ve probably seen one but may not have realized what it is. A word cloud is a randomly arranged combination of words or phrases meant to visually represent the words or ideas that are most prominent in a document. The more a phrase or word appears in a document, the larger it willRead… Read more »