Posts Tagged: cloud

Let’s Look Beyond the Amazon Cloud Hysteria

The recent Amazon cloud crash raised the question of whether cloud is doomed for the federal government. It’s a familiar phenomenon and an unfortunate one, the projection of a single incident to impugn an entire industry. Was this incident serious enough to ruin the future of cloud computing in the federal government? FedInsider takes aRead… Read more »

The State of ICT in UAE: Three Key Advancements and How e-Government Can Leverage

The World Economic Forum (WEF) has just released its 10th anniversary edition of its well known report: Global Information Technology Report. As in the previous editions, this 2010/2011 version of the report has shed the light on the status of ICT infrastructure in more than 100 countries (138 in this report) including the United ArabRead… Read more »

Friday Fab Five: Maybe We Need a Vacation After Trying to File Taxes or Is There An App for that?

Every Friday, we take a quick look back at the week and highlight five members or moments that were especially awesome. Here’s who and what rocked it out this week. 5. The Most Commented Blog goes to Paid vacation. So how many you were secretly hoping the shutdown happened because you needed a couple daysRead… Read more »

5 Critical Cloud Questions Customers Need Answered

This article was posted on Washington Technology on Friday, March 25th. Written by Van Ristau, CTO, DLT Solutions. Cloud computing vendors working with government agencies are seeing a wide range of knowledge among customers and their ability to make informed choices. This is understandable given the explosion of new services and products that have beenRead… Read more »

Florida and Michigan cities gone Google for simple & powerful communication and collaboration

Rochester Hills, Michigan, and Panama City, Florida have improved internal communications and dramatically reduced costs by implementing Google Apps. These cities faced the same challenges that many other government agencies do: declining budgets, pressure to deliver better citizen services, and the high cost of a do-it-yourself hardware infrastructure. Join IT managers from Rochester Hills andRead… Read more »

Good data, is the answer in the clouds?

Question I asked during a Q&A session at Transportation Camp East with H. Giovanni Carnaroli, Senior Accountable Official for Open Gov, USDOT, Peter Appel, Administrator of the Research and Innovative Technology Administration, USDOT, and Charles Monheim, Chief Operating Officer of the Metropolitan Transportation Authority. I have always questioned if technology and information gathered by theRead… Read more »

Public Sector IT and the Winter at Valley Forge

One of the most well-known narratives of the American Revolutionary War is the harsh winter suffered by General George Washington and his colonial soldiers at Valley Forge, Pennsylvania. Troops were under-supplied, their uniforms were threadbare, and many suffered illness and disease from the brutal conditions. However, the American colonies generally were not starved for resources.Read… Read more »