Posts Tagged: cloud

Demystifying Virtualization: Dramatically Reduce IT Energy Consumption, and Improve the Business of Government

Did you know that the average desktop computer uses almost as much power when idle as when it’s active? And the problem isn’t just restricted to the desktop. There are literally thousands of data centers across the globe stacked to capacity with inefficient, underutilized computer servers. In 2006, in the United States alone, datacenters consumedRead… Read more »

Thoughts from Microsoft US Public Sector Summit

Live-blogging checking out MS US Public Sector CIO Summit. Will continue to update. Some cool stuff: Big fan of the tablet – demoing had tablets used with photographs especially for special ed children. Always like multi-touch. Lots of focus on the cloud – Really seems the big push these days. Trends – Do more withRead… Read more »

The MetaNet

One of my team members at Navstar has written an intriguing post about The Metanet. Please check it out, its worth the read. Comment if you will. Andrea by Rachel Winchester on February 17, 2010 Internet watchers, particularly business types involved in marketing, have been predicting that the Internet will become more tribal and itRead… Read more »

2011 Budget Shows Evolution of IT Management Thinking By any measure, the 2011 budget request from the Obama administration is big. But when it comes to federal spending on IT in the next fiscal, it’s clear that the days of high single-digit or double-digit growth are over. Spending will be approximately $80 billion, a slight increase over enacted 2010 spending. But theRead… Read more »

A fundemental problem in introducing new technology and business change

On my Capgemini Blog someone posted a very insightful comment recently; “If you are a carpenter with a traditional saw and you buy a motor powered bench saw (new technology) then you had better change the way you work because lifting up the new bench saw and taking it to the wood certainly isn’tRead… Read more »

“Shaping Government Clouds” Just Released

As part of the On The Frontlines series, Trezza Media Group has just released it latest on-line electronic magazine. “Shaping Government Clouds” includes: Pete Tseronis, Chairman of the Federal Cloud Advisory Council, shares his thoughts on how to embrace clud computing possibilities; US Army Major Larry Dillard explains how the Army Experience Center used theRead… Read more »

“Best of Cloud Musings” – DHS EAGLE & First Source Digital Guide Launched

(First published 7/17/09) The Enterprise Acquisition Gateway for Leading Edge Solutions (EAGLE) is a multiple-award indefinite delivery/indefinite quantity (IDIQ) contract vehicle, specifically designed as the preferred source of information technology (IT) services for the majority of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) enterprise infrastructure and initiatives. According to Soraya Correa, Director of the DHS OfficeRead… Read more »