Open Data, Open Conversation
Read how the city of Phoenix is opening up dialogue within their community through open data initiatives.
Read how the city of Phoenix is opening up dialogue within their community through open data initiatives.
The most influential and effective products and services powering 21st century governments.
Today, government is pressed to find new ways to operate and modernize services. To that end, agencies are looking create clear and concise digital strategies. Whether it be through a mobile initiative, implementing cloud computing, or driving decisions through data, government is beginning a transformation process into a 21st century model of governance, with emergingRead… Read more »
Hackers, hackers everywhere. If you’ve been following the news recently, the “hacker” label probably doesn’t give you a warm-fuzzy sensation. But hackers aren’t always bad guys. To the software development community, hacking simply means taking a piece of code and altering it. It can be used for wrongdoing, but it can also be used toRead… Read more »
Americans have inherited a vast and spectacular landscape. Through the efforts of citizens and governments throughout the 20th century, today Americans are the equal-owners of some 785 million acres of public land. These public lands and trails help us understand the world around us — including our environment, our communities, and ourselves. Across the country,Read… Read more »
Since 2012, each February, Code for America has gathered in communities across the country to Code Across America. This February, we’re doing it again, but this time, we’re going worldwide. Join your us, join your neighbors February 21-23 and together, let’s CodeAcross the world. CodeAcross 2014 is a weekend full of events that are takingRead… Read more »
Are citizen CIOs a threat to local governments or a blessing in disguise? With government IT departments producing more open data and participation from community interest groups and citizens on the rise, we’re beginning to see the start of a new movement within open government: telling our government which technologies to deploy. Citizens are identifying—andRead… Read more »
The City of Santa Cruz is the smallest community to ever partner with Code for America, but it had one of the largest problems to solve: how to make it easier to take an idea for a small business from conception to reality. From a concept to a permit. They created an online permitting portalRead… Read more »
One of the core ideas behind almost everything we do at Code for America is this – governments that face common challenges are uniquely positioned to collaborate and share both ideas and solutions. Nowhere is this potential for collaboration more immediate and more valuable than in the way governments make use of technology. Governments areRead… Read more »
This post is part of an ongoing series about civic startups. What’s a civic startup? Find out. Code for America recently launched a civic startup accelerator to help promote and “turbo charge” civic startups. We’re accepting applications for the accelerator now through June 1, 2012. Apply: Charles “Chic” Naumer is the Principal and Co-founderRead… Read more »