Posts Tagged: collaboration

Eliminating Data Silos—A Work in Progress

With the explosion of data in the government, increased collaboration and information sharing are important goals for any agency. Recent legislation, such as the DATA Act and the Cybersecurity Information Sharing Bill, provides extra incentive for agencies to achieve those goals. However, data often resides in disconnected silos, making that collaboration and sharing difficult.

The FSIS Escalade Leadership Development Program

“Do more than is required.  What is the distance between someone who achieves their goals consistently and those who spend their lives and careers merely following?  The extra mile.”–Gary Ryan Blair If you get the opportunity, PLEASE apply for this program.  I had the pleasure of being selected to attend the 2015 FSIS Escalade LeadershipRead… Read more »

How to Make an Impact in the Lives of Your Coworkers

This holiday season, the season of giving, as you’re looking for ways to change someone’s life or improve their circumstances, consider donating some of your leave to someone in need. You can’t begin to understand the impact you might have on someone’s life.