Posts Tagged: collaboration

We’re All Becoming Tech Workers… And We Need to Be Ready

As the Digital Era continues to progress, social and digital technologies will become more fully integrated into not just the work we do, but how we do it. Although external applications such as marketing, sales, and customer service have dominated adoption activities and discussions to date (particularly in the context of consumer goods and services),Read… Read more »

Conflict and Innovation: Give the Team Options

Three previous blogs examined how innovation causes conflict and how individuals can make it constructive. This blog offers techniques for groups to make conflict constructive in the service of innovation. Recall our definition of conflict: A situation in which two or more parties contend over something valued, with the intent of prevailing. The goal isRead… Read more »

In Toys As In Data, Sharing is Caring

“Mine! Mine! Mine!” Despite my parents consistently emphasizing the importance of sharing, when it came to my Legos or other favorite toys, sharing wasn’t such a simple task. But as time went on, I got better at sharing and saw the benefits (and lack of scoldings) that it generated. The ability to share is anRead… Read more »

Is Open Data Worth the Hype?

“Transparency promotes accountability and provides information for citizens about what their Government is doing.  Information maintained by the Federal Government is a national asset.”                      – President Barack Obama, in Transparency and Open Government memo. Today, there is an increased focus on the value of open data, especially inRead… Read more »

What’s In Store? Identifying Key Challenges Facing Government

Generally, the first step towards problem solving is identifying the problem. How can the government expect to adapt to the ever-changing landscape of the 21st century without first understanding what problems it’s up against? Chris Dorobek has been interviewing various government professionals to get their take on the biggest issues facing the U.S. government todayRead… Read more »

Understanding the “New Power” Trend

In the 1990s, a new model of governance emerged – Reinventing Government. This model was rooted in private sector entrepreneurial approaches and market-like incentives. A new model – dubbed “New Power” – has emerged in the 2010s. Reinventing Government was organized around ten values, such as government being catalytic, community-owned, competitive, etc. Today, a newRead… Read more »

ICYMI: Looking Back at 2014

Looking back at year’s end, what themes pop out from the various blog posts written over the past year? What’s worth revisiting in 2015? Here’s a list at this link: (I haven’t figured out how to cut-and-paste text into GovLoop blogs without losing hotlinks, and since this is just a list of hotlinks, I’mRead… Read more »

The Value of Volunteering is Not About Headcount, but Headway

Earlier last week, the National Conference on Citizenship (NCoC) released a report on volunteering and civic life in America in collaboration with the Corporation for National and Community Service and the U.S. Census Bureau. Promisingly, surveys of 100,000 subjects found that one in four American adults volunteer with an organization and nearly two-thirds engage in activities to helpRead… Read more »