Posts Tagged: collaboration

BlueLightCamp – The Unconference and Hackathon for Emergency Responders

BlueLightCamp– the Unconference for emergency responders and those who work with them – is back for a second year. The Unconference will be on Saturday 27th April, in Manchester, and the Hackathon will be on Sunday. Both events are completely free to attend Full details are on the BlueLightCamp web site, and you can registerRead… Read more »

But Wait, There’s More!: Part II of an Interview with Pamela Wright, CINO of NARA

Innovation is one of the many buzz words floating around federal agencies. In a recent interview, Pamela Wright (CINO of NARA) shared the innovation goals of the National Archives and explained two projects that are looking to achieve those goals. As promised, below are three more goals, as well as descriptions two successful projects thatRead… Read more »

The Old Dogs Have the Best New Tricks: The Best Innovators Aren’t the Youngest

I may be shooting myself in the foot here by spreading this around, but word has it that the best innovators aren’t Millennials. Many companies have been trying to create a younger work force, gently (or not so gently) encouraging older employees to retire and leave. The belief is that innovation comes from the newbies,Read… Read more »

Co-Delivery: Beyond Traditional Citizen Engagement

Citizen engagement has traditionally been viewed as citizens participating in community activities such as testifying on policy proposals, budgets, and strategic plans. But government does more than policy and budget. And citizens want to do more than testify or volunteer at the local food bank. How can governments at all levels engage their citizens inRead… Read more »

Celebrating International Women’s Day – and Workplace Flexibility!

Today is International Women’s Day, a holiday that originated as a way of recognizing working women and promoting fair and safe working conditions. Many women across the globe face the most basic issues with respect to the conditions in which they work. In the US, we are lucky to have made great strides in thisRead… Read more »

Does Mobility Destroy Creativity?

With Telework Week fast approaching on March 4th and the leaked memo from Yahoo CEO, Marissa Mayer, turning back the clock on workplace flexibility, it seems like a good time to comment on the twin concepts of “connection” and “innovation.” Whatever Mayer’s real motivation for wanting to bring the Yahoo workforce back into the office,Read… Read more »

From Regulation to Collaboration – the Next Wave for Cybersecurity?

The President issued the Cybersecurity Executive Order during his State of the Union earlier this month. But some say the Executive Order doesn’t go far enough. “The Executive Order was unprecedented and very wanted, but it is inherently limited in what it can do. The Executive Order can only tell the entities that are partRead… Read more »

Accellion is the #1 choice of IT and Security professionals for enterprise file sharing and sync

Download Free Gartner MarketScope Report: Accellion, Inc., has received the highest rating possible, a “Strong Positive” in the Gartner MarketScope for “Enterprise File Synchronization and Sharing based on evaluation of the Accellion Secure Mobile File sharing solution.” The Gartner MarketScope notes that “enterprise file synchronization and sharing (EFSS) offerings enable productivity and collaboration for mobileRead… Read more »

What’s the Recipe for Good (Collaborative) Relationships?

Is there a recipe for successful cross-agency relationships that are enduring? Or is each initiative so dependent on context and personalities that there is no way to offer general principles of success? With Valentine’s Day approaching, there are all sorts of advice columns about improving relationships. Well, A new IBM Center report by Dr. JaneRead… Read more »

How to Get Citizens to Dig Each Other Out After a Snow Storm

On December 26, 2010 a #snowpocalypse dumped a ton of snow in the NY, NJ, CY tri-state area. In Newark NJ, as a result of the storm, something very cool happened. Mayor Booker’s (@CoryBooker) constituents began tweeting request for shoveling at him AND he responded and began digging people out. Cooler than that others startedRead… Read more »