Posts Tagged: collaboration

Bridging the Gap – Government Agencies and the Average Joe

The Open Government Initiative set forth by the Obama Administration in 2009 requires Federal agencies to take immediate steps to achieve milestones in transparency, participation, and citizen collaboration. Most Federal, state, and local organizations have jumped on the social media bandwagon as a tool for communicating with citizens and making their agency’s goals transparent. However,Read… Read more »

Innovation: Begin by Thinking Different

Innovation and Change, a Historical Perspective A historical perspective of an organization, as those cited by Willem Mastenbroek from over a decade ago are not only interesting as an evolutionary history of organization and the firm, but also facilitate insight into early management and human behavior. The examples also give a glimpse into what hasRead… Read more »

Leadership: Ownership and Responsibility

Recently on the Harvard Business Review, John Coleman posted an excellent article, Take Ownership of Your Actions by Taking Responsibility (help is not on the way) that addresses expectations on the part of executive leadership. I found this particularly interesting because I recently caught myself feeling this very thing being asked, “do you feel stalledRead… Read more »

It’s the Social Era, and We Still Need Mission, Vision and Values

Recently I have found myself running virtually every business topic I consider though the grid of the social era. This is particularly interesting to me since there are a number of principles in business that are timeless in nature, but undergo countless changes in their application due to sociological shifts. Organizational change is no exception.Read… Read more »

Why does Collaboration between Government & Industry still matter?

The ACT-IAC Executive Leadership Conference will be held in Williamsburg October 28-30 this year. It will bring together eight or nine hundred government and business executives for relatively intense collaboration in 16 working sessions, and provide plenary addresses from a war hero, an Acting Administrator, a renowned theoretical physicist, a prominent television journalist, and theRead… Read more »

Disaster Intervention Strategy: A Team Effort with local, state, federal and NGOs

Just hours after the Joplin tornado tore through Joplin, Missouri, an experienced team of Americorps and Senior Corps arrived in the devastated town and began relief efforts. Within three days, the Americorps and Senior Corps team had reached 200; by one month: 300. These members were crucial in directing and managing the 60,000 volunteers thatRead… Read more »

Content Management Strategies for the #Social, #Mobile and #Cloud Era

Five-hour course to inspire IT professionals, information strategists and process owners with new approaches, best practices and success stories Our Boot Camp seminar series, “5 Steps to Victory over Manual Processes,” will be held in seven cities — Atlanta, Boston, Chicago, New York, Toronto, Washington, D.C., and Minnetonka, Minn. — from October 2 to OctoberRead… Read more »

An AIDS Free Generation — How one Sammies Finalist is making it happen

In the 1980s, an AIDS diagnosis was considered a death sentence. Even more troubling was the number of children who contracted the disease from their mother. But thanks in part to the work of Dr. Lynne Mofenson, future generations won’t have to worry about being born with HIV or AIDS. She pioneered a clinical trialRead… Read more »

Dorobek Dose: Meet the NIH scientist helping to end pediatric AIDS — Sammies Finalist

Happy Thursday — Chris Dorobek is off this week. So I will be filling in. We are going to do the show a bit differently. Each day we will feature a Dose of Dorobek — a shorter five minute interview that focuses on helping you do your job better and tips for navigating around GovLoop.Read… Read more »