Posts Tagged: collaboration

New Center Report – Collaboration Across Boundaries: Insights and Tips from Federal Senior Executives

This article was originally posted by Dan Chenok on the Center for the Business of Government blog. The IBM Center for the Business of Government is pleased to release present a new report, Collaboration Across Boundaries: Insights and Tips from Federal Senior Executives,by Professors Rosemary O’Leary and Catherine Gerard of the Maxwell School of CitizenshipRead… Read more »

NextGen12: You need a Mentor

Here is the summary: One of the most effective ways to vault your career is by having a mentor. But sometimes you don’t know where to start. In this session, you’ll learn about GovLoop’s first-of-its-kind, government-wide mentors program and how you can get involved. We’ll have mentoring experts as well as a mentors and menteesRead… Read more »

NextGen12: Cross Sector Collaboration

We had a nice full crowd to hear Bridger McGaw, (Special Advisor for Cyber Security and Infrastructure Resilience, Office of the Under Secretary, National Protection and Programs Directorate, Department of Homeland Security), Stewart Sarkozy-Banoczy, (Director, Office for International and Philanthropic Innovation, Department of Housing and Urban Development), Art Stevens, (General Manager, MicroPlace), and Michelle Viegas,Read… Read more »

The ART of Collaboration

(Cross-posted from Communities & Collaboration) I was recently asked to present at the Knowledge and Innovation Network (KIN) summer workshop on the topic of “Collaborative Behaviours”. The slides I used have been posted to Slideshare and embedded at the end of this blog post. This post is a summary of the key points I madeRead… Read more »


Crowdfunding is a technique commonly utilized by software designers and programmers to amass enough financial support to create a new application or tool. However, in its most essential form, crowdfunding combines the spirit of collaborative innovation with the economic muscle to produce tangible results, and therefore can be applied to other industries and pursuits withRead… Read more »

New Delhi Traffic Police Benefit from Facebook Collaboration

Software that is accessible by a large number of people often produces unexpected benefits due to its inherently collaborative nature. In New Delhi, overburdened traffic police have gained an incredibly cost-effective method of catching traffic violators. Thanks to New Delhi drivers who snap pictures of offenders and post them to the traffic police’s official FacebookRead… Read more »

Telework: Planned, Unplanned, Whatever

Our recent June 29th derecho event, featuring lightening, thunder, rain, wind, trees falling, and power lines failing, has provided yet another opportunity for people in the Washington, DC area to experience what the Federal government calls “unplanned telework.” As it did when our area suffered through snowstorms and earthquakes, the government provided employees with theRead… Read more »

How an “Open Project” Approach Can Change the World

How do you tackle a large-scale, complex challenge that evolves over time, involves thousands of stakeholders, and where there is no clear solution? For example, is there a road map for how the Internet evolved? Could we do it again? IBM Center author David Witzel examines the evolution of the Internet over the past fourRead… Read more »

Lessons in Designing Collaborative Networks

What works when developing a cross-agency collaborative network? A six-year long study of 266 existing collaborative networks of public safety organizations distills valuable lessons for how to design and sustain similar networks in other policy arenas. Professors Jane Fedorowicz and Steve Sawyer have authored a new report, “Designing Collaborative Networks: Lessons Learned from Public Safety,”Read… Read more »