Posts Tagged: collaboration

Should Government Reorganize Itself? (Part II)

President Obama asked Congress for authority to reorganize government in his 2012 State of the Union address. Several weeks later, he proposed legislation to do so. What is in that bill? What Is Presidential Reorganization Authority? Beginning in 1932, presidents were periodically granted authority by Congress to submit plans to reorganize agencies. Over time, itRead… Read more »

Should Government Reorganize Itself? (Part I)

Last month, the Senate held a hearing on re-tooling government for the 21st century. What’s the background behind recent pushes to reorganize the government and how do they different from perennial calls to do so over the past three decades that have gone no where? The Senate hearing focused on recent U.S. Government Accountability OfficeRead… Read more »

How Organizations Could Be More Successful – (Part Three of How Organizations Fail)

To understand how organizations can succeed, let’s briefly recap the lessons from the first two parts of this series on organizational failure. Part One –Framework for Analyzing Organizational Failure1) Every decision has unintended consequences for the future – latent conditions.2) Leaders often make decisions without a thorough analysis of the effects of their decisions.3) EmployeesRead… Read more »

Telework — Managing Your Boundaries

As we start the Second Annual Telework Week today, it’s a good time to think about boundaries and the challenge of how we create a boundary between the professional and the personal when we work at home. The most obvious boundary can be created by the space in which we work. A home office, forRead… Read more »

CAP Goals – A New Government Acronym Is Born (Part 1)

CAP Goals with John Kamensky by cdorobek The FY 2013 budget includes a new acronym, “CAP Goals,” which stands for Cross-Agency Priority Goals. These goals stem from a new statutory requirement that the Office of Management and Budget identify and manage a small handful of cross-agency priority goals, covering both mission and mission-support functions. OMBRead… Read more »

Creating Networks that Work

CAP Goals with John Kamensky by cdorobek How will the 14 newly-designated cross-agency priority goal leaders organize to achieve the goals they’ve committed to achieve? There’s a practical guide book that can help. The President’s FY 2013 budget announced the first set of cross-agency priority goals – seven focus on mission-related goals such as doublingRead… Read more »

Tele-Town Halls

Tele-Town Hall, LLC ™ is the creator and the leading provider of “telephone town hall” events. Tele-Town Hall™ events are the culmination of our nearly two decades of planning and testing to create an unparalleled breakthrough in LIVE, person-to-person communications. We currently provide thousands of elected officials, political candidates, non-profit organizations, associations, and businesses withRead… Read more »

Making Large-Scale Collaborations Effective: Lessons from “Reinventing Discovery: The New Era of Networked Science”

In 1999, the reigning world chess champion played against 50,000 people through the Internet. Entitled “Kasparov versus the World,” chess players (experts and amateurs) collaborated to play the black pieces while Kasparov alone played the white pieces. Anyone can suggest a move, discuss the moves, and vote on moves. Whichever move received the highest voteRead… Read more »

An Open Government Anniversary

By Alex Moll, Communications Officer, eRulemaking Program Management Office Executive Summary – This past month marked the one year anniversary of a significant Open Government milestone. One year ago, President Obama signed Executive Order 13563, “Improving Regulation and Regulatory Review.” Since then its implementation appears on the pages of agency retrospective reviews, new guidance setRead… Read more »

Managing Organizational Change – Valuable Input from Our Clients

Here are the highlights from the First Annual Signature Development Organizational Development Roundtable discussion on Managing Organizational Change. Below you will find the major questions clients asked during the discussion as well as some of the best practices CHENEGA, U.S. Department of Energy and other client organizations are implementing to manage organizational change. Challenges: CreatingRead… Read more »