Posts Tagged: collaboration

The Business Of Collaboration

[Cross-posted from Communities and Collaboration blog] Some Background The last few years can be described as the age of social business and collaboration. The demands and expectations of today’s knowledge workers have been shaped by the plethora of social networks and social media tools. Communicating and sharing information has never been easier. Staying connected withRead… Read more »

Bill Bratton and Zach Tumin: The New “Collabonomics” of Disaster Management

Last week’s New England snowmeggadon showed us how far social media has come in making collaboration across the boundaries of government and citizens easy. And it offered stark contrast between those who get it and use it, and those who don’t. Social media and the digital devices that connect us change the collabonomics of disasterRead… Read more »

A new Harvard Kennedy School report is up: “From Government 2.0 to Society 2.0: Pathways to Engagement, Collaboration, and Transformation”

From the report, by Zachary Tumin with Archon Fung: “Today, the global recession — coupled with changes such as the retirement of the post-World War II generation, the emergence of millennials, new waves of interactive communications technology, and low-cost collaboration platforms — is sparking a next wave of citizen engagement, reform of government, and theRead… Read more »

Changing government culture the open source way

Can an entrenched bureaucracy, encumbered by a rigid culture and public records compliance adapt open source ways to collaborate more effectively? Is it like pulling teeth just to get people to share ideas? Is that devil’s advocate bringing your team down? If you want results, try something different. Use open communications and transparency with yourRead… Read more »

How governments can use social media to better prepare for, respond to and recover from emergencies

Hi All, Thought you might be interested to see this presentation by the Emergency 2.0 Wiki project on how governments can use social media to help their agencies, employees and customers better prepare for, respond to and recover from emergencies. We presented it at the recent Smart Government Conference in Canberra, Australia. We would beRead… Read more »

A Guide to Collaborative Competencies

Effective governance is increasingly dependent on the use of cross-agency collaborative networks. Do you know if you are any good at running a collaborative network? The non-profit Policy Consensus Initiative, in collaboration (how fitting!) with the 26-member University Network for Collaborative Governance, have developed a “Guide to Collaborative Competencies.” The guide draws “upon the collectiveRead… Read more »

Useful Resources from Learning Pool’s Community Day

Learning Pool are delighted with the benefits gained by our members in attending this year’s Community Day particularly as it encompassed our emphasis on Local Government sharing and collaborating. Below you will find resources from the day including presentations from members of the Learning Pool Community on topics such as Rolling out and delivering e-learning,Read… Read more »

New Normal – Asynchronous Collaboration

When we were all physically located in the same building collaboration was a collection of meetings to reach the stated goal. First to flesh out the details of the project – go from concept to specific, consensus from contributors, logistics & interim deadlines from participants, and collective review of it all. Meet and work togetherRead… Read more »

Web-Enabled Coordination

How can organizations reach beyond their traditional smokestacks and silos? Coordination mechanisms have existed for years, notes Naval Postgraduate School author Nancy Roberts, but they haven’t been used. But the availability of new web-based tools and the pressures from cost cuts, the war on terror, and emergency management may have created a new environment forRead… Read more »

Getting People to Solve Problems Without You

As organizations become more complicated, success can often be tied to the degree to which an organization is responsive to customers. This generally happens on the front line. So empowering front line managers to solve problems without going up through the chain of command is an important leadership strategy. The September 2011 issue of theRead… Read more »