Posts Tagged: collaboration

Open Government Links of the Week – August 19, 2011

“Opening government, the Chicago way” “Interviews with Chicago journalists and open government advocates, along with Tolva and Goldstein themselves, led me to a clear conclusion: there’s something new going on in the Windy City that’s worth sharing with the rest of the country and world.” (O’Reilly radar) “Department of Veterans Affairs releases progressive, structured socialRead… Read more »

GovLaunch – Refresh

Pretty fascinating refresh of today. Some initial thoughts: -I’ve never seen the normal header not be the top most part of a gov’t website. Pretty innovative -What is even cooler is when you scroll down, the actual normal looking header becomes the header and stays there. pretty slick. -Love the interactive maps/data for topicsRead… Read more »

Want Google+ To Be Your One-Stop-Shop: Start G+

No need to write a long drawn out discussion here on the pros and cons of Google+ as we have all spent a lot of time “discussing” said topic. However, I did stumble across something awesome last night and wanted to share it with the believers and non-believers: Start G+ ( Start G+ is aRead… Read more »

Managing Complexity

The deficit showdown reflects a challenge of modern times: how can government – and society – deal with increased complexity? A new book may point the way. Noted government observer Donald Kettl, wrote several years ago that the government of the future needs to develop three things to deal with increased complexity: knowledge-driven organizations, theRead… Read more »

SharePoint: an open source community, sharing more for the local area at SharePoint Saturday the Conference Aug 11-13

I’ve made a bold statement “open source community” so let me digress for a second before giving you the juicy details of Community day at DC’S SharePoint Saturday the Conference (SPSTCDC When I started my career I can vividly remember a joint user group or NT Server and Linux Administrators in New York City.Read… Read more »

Measuring Performance in Networks

Two of the stumbling blocks to expanding the use of collaborative networks in government are: how do you figure out what works? And, how do you create accountability? The IBM Center has sponsored a series of reports in different policy arenas over the past decade that look at the creation and use of collaborative networksRead… Read more »

What is Govloop to YOU?

With so many different types of social networks now present in today’s society and Google adding yet another one to the mix, I have often wondered if it is truly fair to reference Govloop as the, “Facebook for Government.” Sure, at the time, the reference was the most clear picture that could be provided toRead… Read more »

Creating a citizen movement for open government

Hi folks, I’m new to the GovLoop community. It was recommended that I post this here and get some feedback. Originally posted on The article is CC-BY-SA, attributions Jason Hibbets. How do you get techies, govies, and citizens to identify, collaborate, and start creating solutions for your local government? Host a CityCamp. It’s easierRead… Read more »

The New Apple vs. PC: or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Google+ Beta

I’ve been making this case from the middle ground for a while now: What we have here is an up and coming “battle” of social networking sites that will ultimately hinge on people’s personal preference, ability to be influenced by the masses, and even driven by their discontent with the competing technology. Or, to putRead… Read more »

Social Good Summit 2011 (Mashable)

The Social Good Summit unites a dynamic community of global leaders to discuss a big idea: the power of innovative thinking and technology to solve our greatest challenges. It ignites conversations between a live audience in New York City and thousands around the world participating via Livestream. Join Mashable, 92Y and the UN Foundation inRead… Read more »