Posts Tagged: collaboration

3 Ways Government Could Save Time & Money if They Used Social Media

You hear it all the time: Facebook this, Twitter that, social media… blah, blah, blah. But why should government care? Especially when many are in a pinch for resources and the costs for municipal goods aren’t helping them out so much. Well for starters, two words: Time & money. Now saving time and money areRead… Read more »

How to Increase Fans, Followers, and Subscribers

I gave a talk last week at National Association of Government Communicators called “How to Increase Fans, Followers, and Subscribers” I’ve attached the presentation below. How to increase View more presentations from GovLoop. What’s your tip? How have you increase the # of email subscribers you have, Facebook fans, Twitter followers? Favorite

FICM Lightning Rounds – May 12 @ 2pm EST

Don’t Miss the next FICM Meeting, Thursday, May 12, 2011 at 2:00pm EDT The call will be held via GoToWebinar. Sign up to attend today at: The FICM Webinar supports discussion and information dissemination throughout the Federal Intranet Content Managers (FICM) group. Official information about the FICM group can be found at: ThisRead… Read more »

Government’s ROI for Open Government

When you invest in something, you want to know how well your investment is paying off – your ROI. Well, citizens “invest” in government (and their community), so they want easy access to useful information about it. They want to see a return on their investment. But open government is not just beneficial for citizens;Read… Read more »

Get government transparency video solutions for less! Special discounts on Granicus products.

We realize that government agencies are running on tight budgets these days. To help mitigate this, Granicus is offering a limited-time offer that will give you access to the most popular and most reliable array of government transparency, efficiency, and citizen collaboration solutions being used by over 850 government agencies—for less! Already, we offer theRead… Read more »

Records Management in a Facebook World: an Oxymoron?

For most organizations (government agencies included), the legal, regulatory, and policy frameworks for managing electronic information are all constructed upon paper. The massive growth in the volume and variety of business information means that we can no longer extend our paper-based paradigm further and further into the world of electronic and social information. The resultRead… Read more »

Austin City Limits: What’s Holding Back Government Innovation in Austin, Texas?

***Part of our month-long series on Creating a Digital City with PDF – Check out all our analysis*** As municipalities across the country are exploring how to use the Internet to make theirs better places to live, some winning combinations of talent, policy and technology are beginning to emerge — as are problems with otherRead… Read more »

A Pathway to Pathways

With the results for the 2011 PMF program being released any day now, I thought this would be a good opportunity to start this discussion… When I attended the “PMF and Pathways Programs: Reinventing the Old and Implementing the New” discussion at NAPA’s headquarters a few weeks ago, this is how they introduced the session:Read… Read more »

GL Chat – Enchanting in the Face of Adversity – Highlights from Guy Kawasaki talk

“If you’re not failing every now and then, it’s a sign you’re not doing anything very innovative” – Woody Allen We had an awesome live video chat with Guy Kawasaki today about “How Government Can Be Enchanting?” Well, I’d better preface that to say we had awesome content …but had technical difficulties with getting videoRead… Read more »