Posts Tagged: collaboration

For HR Executives…what’s your Collaboration Strategy?

I have been talking to a lot of HR people over the last couple of months and, frankly, it has been surprising to see that most don’t realize the opportunities and risks associated with social media and crowdsourcing as it relates to their business vertical. Why is it crucial that Human Resource managers be deeplyRead… Read more »

How to Write an Effective Mission Statement for Your Community

Yogi Berra said: “If you don’t know where you are going, you’ll end up someplace else.” The same holds true for any community. Mission statements are not new. Yet with online communities popping up, bringing people together from town to town, coast to coast, and country to country, crafting an effective mission statement is moreRead… Read more »

Chief Officer Central

Over the past two decades, Congress and the Executive Branch have created a series of “chief officer” positions in agencies, supported by cross-government councils. Council leaders are now changing the way they manage them to boost government efficiency and effectiveness in lean times. Agencies facing increasingly challenging fiscal environments are looking for ways to makeRead… Read more »

Gumby Goes to the White House

President Obama signed a memo to all agency heads yesterday with an unwieldy title: “Administrative Flexibility, Lower Costs, and Better Results for State, Local, and Tribal Governments.’ But it contains the seeds of a potential shift in how the federal government works, if implemented smartly. Over the years, presidents have directed agencies to streamline theirRead… Read more »

Promoting Innovation and Collaboration in Government with Google Apps

The Administrative Conference of the United States (ACUS) has implemented Google Apps for Government. ACUS is an independent federal agency dedicated to creating a public-private partnership designed to make government work better. ACUS has had a long history of saving the government and taxpayers money. In 2009, ACUS was revived by Congress after a 15-yearRead… Read more »

The Federal Agency’s Hierarchy of Needs: How “Higher-Level” Needs and Activities Can Help Secure “Lower-Level” Needs

The Phase One team has had another productive year helping the Forest Service streamline and automate their processes surrounding the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). We’ve helped our clients leverage data that is entered to comply with legal mandates into useful information for their public websites; we have given them tools to make their proceduresRead… Read more »

Defining Collaborgagement

As I wrote in a earlier posting, I coined the term collaborgagement while attending a session at John Newton (Alfresco’s CTO) commented that the next generation of enterprise IT tools need to serve the middle of the enterprise – the domain of the knowledge workers. These tools need to support collaboration, knowledge management, andRead… Read more »

Ask the GovExpert: First-Hand on Rhode Island Taking OpenGov Lead with Mike Trainor

I was in Rhode Island yesterday talking to the fantastic Governor Chafee’s team about public communications and open government. Governor Chafee was one of the first candidates in the nation to have an open government initiative (which even mentions using GovLoop to connect their employees) and one of the first governors to have a transitionRead… Read more »

Local Open Government Directive: Building Transparency, Participation, and Collaboration

Just one year ago, Kevin Curry started the CityCamp movement to bring together local government officials, government employees, private sector technology experts, journalists, and citizens to share perspectives and insights about the cities in which they live and to develop practices for making their city governments more transparent, participatory, collaborative, and accountable. In December 2010,Read… Read more »