Posts Tagged: collaboration

Community Building: Seth Godin on Organizing Your Advance

Note: “advance” as in the title of this blog post is Seth Godin’s preferential word for what we normally refer to as “retreat” or in-person gathering with a mission (he thinks retreat is too negative; I agree). Online Communities are strengthened by simultaneous offline community gatherings. But importantly, not all offline community gatherings, or “retreatsadvances”Read… Read more »

IT: Breaking Business Unit Barriers with Collaboration Tools?

From OpenSF In a late-2007 management audit of San Francisco’s technology department, the City’s budget analyst recommended that the City’s tech oversight body, the Committee on Information Technology (COIT), “create communications tools for information technology managers to communicate more effectively with each other.” The report also directed a similar recommendation to the technology department: “EstablishRead… Read more »

Community Building: Top 5 Ways to Ensure a Successful Launch

Launching an online community can be a tricky process. Here are 5 ways to get you on the right path. 1. Start small: Clay Shirky puts it best: “projects that will work only if they grow large generally won’t grow large; people who are fixated on creating large-scale future success can actually reduce the possibilityRead… Read more »

The Era of Compromise is Over

With the midterm elections safely behind them, elected officials now come to the most difficult part of their adventure—leading and making good on all of those campaign promises. An election is never an easy endeavor and the dirty little secret is that the real work begins after victory is declared. The challenge before the nextRead… Read more »

Community Building: Key Ingredients to Thrive

It’s the day before Thanksgiving, and let’s face it: we all have food on the brain. A second point to admit: when you start cooking tomorrow, unless you make pumpkin cupcakes and roasted squash every day, you’ll most likely need to follow a recipe. What’s a recipe made up of? Ingredients. Well, in cooking upRead… Read more »

“If you can’t say something nice, don’t say anything at all”

Mom always said, “If you can’t say something nice, don’t say anything at all” She didn’t mean that we couldn’t disagree, discipline or even tell the truth – but there is a way to communicate that isn’t derogatory, hurtful or intentionally inflammatory. The sarcasm or brutal honesty characterized by The Simpsons or American Idol, isRead… Read more »

DreamWork’s “Megamind” Uses HP Technology

This weekend I saw DreamWork’s latest film, “Megamind.” This extremely funny movie contains an all-star cast including Will Ferrell, Brad Pitt, and Tina Fey. Today, I stumbled up some interesting information about this film. DreamWorks Animation released “Megamind” in 3-D CG after migrating to HP Networking solutions. After their testing of HP’s A-series core dataRead… Read more »