Posts Tagged: collaboration

Community Building: You’re Most Likely to Succeed if You…

…put in some serious elbow grease. Dedication, perseverance, and always keep the faith. In short, you’re most likely to success if you put in the hard work. Plain and simple. Consider a community in your life that you deem to be successful. Maybe it’s your book club, PTA, church, running club, ladies lunching, whatever. NowRead… Read more »

Community Building: It’s More about Your MEMBERS, Less the TECHNOLOGY

Three factors collided to spur this post. 1. I walked myself through a 224 gold-mine slideshare deck on “The Real Social Network” and found this gem quote “Understand behavior, not technology.” 2. I stumbled across an online community for Mercedes Benz owners called “Generation Benz” that is built in flash, looks like it blew outRead… Read more »

Community Building: No Agency is an Island, or a Planet!

No agency is an island, or a planet for that matter, so let’s talk about what best practices we can learn from others who are building communities and making it happen! ———————————————— Ever want to be a fly on the wall? How about a fly on the wall in a NASA space lab as theyRead… Read more »

Community Building: The Value of Being Real

For the last 10+ years, marketers have started to realize that interacting with consumers is not a one-way street. Refusing to operate with this mindset fully embraced will most likely leave you out in the cold. Consumers don’t want to be talked at, with the only opportunity for feedback a suggestions box glued to theRead… Read more »

The Goal of Collaboration: Navigating the Network of Idea Spaces

Take a moment and look around your personal office space. Now look at your computer and notice what your desktop icons are and what programs you have open. According to Richard Ogle, the books, documents, computer programs, and other work aids are parts of our extended mind. We create documents, spreadsheets, whatever to offload ourRead… Read more »

Stop Learning the Hard Way, Part 1

A couple weeks ago, my seven-month old son started having all the tell-tale signs of teething. So what did my wife and I do as first-time parents faced with a fussy infant? Well, we felt like we had a few options: Look it up in one of the 36 books we bought about babies. CallRead… Read more »

Community Building: Why the Why is Vital

Yesterday, I stumbled across @nickcharney‘s post Lessons in Collaboration on GovLoop. He brings to life a construct developed by Simon Sinek on the topic of how great leaders inspire action. How do great leaders inspire action? It all starts with the why, as in Sinek’s “golden circle” above. The average person, as Nick points out,Read… Read more »

Community Building: Your Initial Stakeholders

Let’s say you are planning an important celebration…perhaps your 30th birthday party. The event is meaningful, and something you want to be a success. You have the choice of inviting everyone you know – all of your 800 friends on Facebook, or your closest friends who you think will be most likely to come, andRead… Read more »

Build Once, Use Many: Making Collaboration More Efficient

Social media tools are weaving their way into agencies’ Gov 2.0 and Open Government planning. There are many to choose from that handle all types of activities. But we know that policy compliance of these tools is of concern. That is where NOW comes in. NOW is a platform that our Center CitizenRead… Read more »