Posts Tagged: collaboration

Technology, learning and knowledge

I had a good time up in Scotland last week, and enjoyed putting together and delivering my talk at the Learning Pool event we ran – which saw a great turnout. My discussion focused on the use of technology in a time of immense change and budget pressures, focusing on not just the use ofRead… Read more »

Raising the Dial Tone, Part 2.

(Part 1 is archived at Recently, Dennis McDonald offered that transparency and collaboration should be considered as efficiency measures in the Secretary of Defense’s initiatives. A sharp comment to this post responded by detailing the dire state of the federal procurement system, offering that the system is “completely broken, not superficially but structurally andRead… Read more »

From uranium enrichment to Internet enabled kegerators – Collaboration is key

The recent stir around the Stuxnet malware definitely ups the ante as it pertains to the potential damage that a piece of software can invoke. For those of you not familiar with this recent finding, stuxnet essentially hunts down a specific Siemens programmable logic controller (something that facilitates electromechanical processes) and disrupts the timing ofRead… Read more »

See How Three DC Organizations Achieved Work Management Success

Having been involved in various government and private SharePoint-related projects, an issue that often arise is the lack of buy-in and long term commitment from decision makers. A key factor I found is often decision makers’ limited understanding of the platform benefits versus the obstacles for successful implementation. It is imperative that executives have theRead… Read more »

Notes from GAO – Challenges in Federal Use of Web 2.0 Technologies

At NAPA Collaboration Project event focused on GAO Report – Challenges in Federal Use of Web 2.0 Technologies Short, easy report – it’s testimony, not a full report -have another ongoing review that is broader Requested by Chaiman Clay, House Subcommittee on Information Policy, Census, and National Archives Objectives-Identify current uses of web 2.0 technologiesRead… Read more »

Weekly Research and Best Practices

Research 1. The Challenge of Increasing Citizen Engagement in the Digital Age (09/10/2010) Unequal access to the Internet affects civic engagement by disenfranchising poor and less educated groups. The report highlights strategies to promote digital inclusion. 2. Millions Working to Solve Local Problems (09/16/2010) – National Conference on Citizenship finds the Internet helps advanceRead… Read more »

Member of Week – Kevin Curry & CityCamp Story

I’m a big fan of Kevin Curry and the whole CityCamp movement….so thought I would reach out and hear a little a bit about the history of CityCamp and where it is going. 1 – What is CityCamp? CityCamp is an unconference focused on innovation for municipal governments and community organizations. Our tag line isRead… Read more »

Participation Inequality and Licensed Based Collaboration

Whenever I give advice to people about what to look for in a collaborative tool, I tell them to steer clear of anything that is based on a licensing model where the organization has to buy a license for every person in the organization, preferring instead to look at open source alternatives. If you combineRead… Read more »

Project of Week – Redesign

So I noticed on Twitter that @andrewpwilson was part of a team that was doing a redesign of and I thought it would be a great project of week to hear the story about it. I reached out and here’s his responses. Shout out to team – First things first, Andrew wanted to makeRead… Read more »