Posts Tagged: collaboration

Greetings in the Name of Global Gov 2.0, My Dear GovLoopians!

+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ “Letters to the GovLoopians” – GovLoop Pastor and Evangelist Highlights Global Gov 2.0 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Greetings in the name of awesomeness, GovLoopians! My dear associate, Stephen (a full-time martyr for the cause of GovLoop), beseeched me to write to you about the things I have seen in my travels across the World Wide Web. Therefore,Read… Read more »

Drupal Commons Released (Free, open source Collaboration software)

Acquia – a leading provider of Enterprise Support for Drupal, yesterday released Drupal Commons – a free, open source competitor to Jive Software, Telligent, Sharepoint 2010, others. A number of Government customers are in the process of deploying Drupal Commons for Enterprise-class Communities. Since it is free (free from license fees, free from any restrictionsRead… Read more »

How Others Are Helping Service Members & Their Families

Through effective collaboration there is the opportunity and power to serve, to help others, to do more good as a result of our collective network. Please feel free to share how others maybe helping our service members and their families. Here is one such story taking place: Today Advanced Auto Parts donated $25k to @Op_HomefrontRead… Read more »

GovLoop Launching Series on Huffington Post

So I’m pretty excited that we are writing a regular series on government at the Huffington Post. It’ll be a mix of some of the regular blogs I write here spruced up for a larger audience, some new original content, and any other suggestions from others. If you are interested at all in getting featured,Read… Read more »

Leveraging social business strategies in public policy

I am always asking people what they are doing with Social Business Strategies and Daniel Bevarly, Director for Online Strategies for The Collins Center for Public Policy, reached out to share some interesting information with me. The Collins Center is a not-for-profit public policy think tank in Florida. As they note on their web site,Read… Read more »

Top 50 Public Administration Resources Features GovLoop

Pretty cool to see GovLoop featured as a Top 50 public administration resource. Original post here: A public administrator needs all the resources available at his or her fingertips, including information about organizations, research, online interaction, public outreach and contact information for local, regional, national and even international resources. You’ll find the best of allRead… Read more »

Helping people understand government 2.0 at the local level, not easy

I have had several great conversations this week. One that I wanted to share with you was a discussion I had with Alex Reed, an Independent candidate who is running for the Maine House of Representatives (District 99). We spent our time discussing how to bring collaboration and communication strategies and tools to the localRead… Read more »

In Pursuit of Coherence

Gary Berg-Cross poses an interesting question, soliciting ideas on the top priorities for Open Government. I started to leave a comment on his blog, but found myself extending and revising my remarks, and exceeding the reasonable length for a comment. Perhaps the priority for Open Government is to aim for something beyond Openness. While theRead… Read more »