Posts Tagged: collaboration

Gov 2 Expo – Lightning Talks Notes

New Orleans Data Group Best practices-Put metadata in plain sites and in plain english-Prove technical discussion-Fix and explain errors to locals. Go to people and see how apps perform in real-world situation. Less than 5% of web visitors have low-res displays. But 60% of senior leaders did.-Credible app – Happier neighborhood-Non-profits use data in grantRead… Read more »

Gov 2 Expo – Jeff Jonas on Data Context and Spear Phishing

Jeff Jonas notes from Gov 2.0 expo keynote Data will find data and relevance will find you-amazing ads tailored just for you-populations spear phised en masse Context accumulating systems used to deliver value in real-timeBetter understanding something by taking into account the things around it Data without context vs Data in context…so much more usefulRead… Read more »

TSA CIO on The Need for Collaboration

I was at Management of Change conference in Philly this morning and saw the Chief Information Officer for TSA speak – Dr. Emma Garrison – Alexander Here are my notes Building 30 year collaboration… -Some people hear collaboration and only think of 2009 and on Collaboration defined – a true partnership in which both organizationsRead… Read more » on Flickr – Pretty cool

Check out on Flickr. People taking photos from Recovery funded projects I think if promoted right this has mass appeal. I’ve driven by hundreds of ARRA projects and I think it would be cool to have people take photos and submit them to Flickr and other sources. Could also be used as recoveryRead… Read more »

Project of the Week: Intranet Makeover, British Columbia Style

So here’s the deal. The entire province of British Columbia just gave their government intranet system a complete facelift and let’s just say the result could be an episode of “Pimp Your Site” if that show even existed. Anyways the public servants in BC are now rocking out with an intranet system that includes drupal,Read… Read more »

Utah Adds Education to Transparency Website

Just one year ago, Utah opened its financial system up to the public, making every individual transaction available for scrutiny. The Utah Transparency website ( is unique in its detail that lets users drill into what any state entity is spending. Now, one year later, the site has added public and higher education. Every educationRead… Read more »

My experience attending the Federal Consortium for Virtual Worlds Conference 2010

I was able to attend from the comfort of my home office. There were many panel discussions but these bullet points are from the discussions on vGov and Virtual World studies to stay in line with the initial discussion about Second Life. I would encourage others to go to their website and check out theRead… Read more »

What is the Biggest IT Change in the Last 30 Years?

Collaboration has come a long and I do mean a LONG way in the last 30 years. So with all the advances out there what is the single most important one? You can vote here: I mean there are several to chose from: E-mail, Internet, Cell Phone and Shared Drives, and if we haven’tRead… Read more »