Posts Tagged: collaboration

How do you engage thousands of homeland security stakeholders? Funny you should ask…

We at the National Academy of Public Administration today released our report on the National Dialogue on the Quadrennial Homeland Security Review. This was a project with the Department of Homeland Security to run a three-phase online public dialogue soliciting stakeholder ideas and feedback on DHS’s missions, goals, and priorities. While the ideas offered haveRead… Read more »

Crowdsourcing at its Best

I just found an interesting comment on a blog at Information Week from Janelle: When the City of San Francisco, the City of Houston, and the Country of Ireland wanted to launch innovation portals to increase collaboration & gather ideas between employees and citizens, they turned to Brightidea. All three programs have unique themes withRead… Read more »

Steve stole my title: 10 Reasons Why Government Shouldn’t Use Social Media ;)

Last week I hosted a session for the BC Public Service community on the topic, ‘The Future of Social Media in Government,’ in which Steve Ressler was a guest presenter. As Steve has mentioned, I opened the session listing the top 10 reasons for why we shouldn’t use social media in government. Being the CommunityRead… Read more »

Opening Doors for Greater Transparency and Engagement at USDA

Today is an exciting day at USDA – and across the government – as we release our Open Gov Plan that formalizes plans to integrate openness, transparency, participation and collaboration into our every day activities. The path has been an exciting one, and USDA has met the Open Government Directive deliverables with help from employeesRead… Read more »

How Successful are Your Gov 2.0 Initiative(s)?

There are certainly more and more Government Agencies jumping on the band wagon to follow President Obama’s directive for them to become more collaborative, open, transparent and participatory. But the real question is – what measures are being taken to evaluate the success or failure of all these efforts? I’m writing an article for eContentRead… Read more »

New community, further adventures with YouTube, more

The most interesting development in KDOT’s ongoing exploration of social media is our plan to launch an internal online community later this spring. Unlike K-TOC, which is open to all and is used by the agency as a public-outreach tool, the new community will be strictly limited to KDOT employees and is intended for internalRead… Read more »

The Government and Social Networking

I have two questions: 1. How does the government feel about their employees using social networks while on the job; and 2. How does the government feel about their employees using social networks all together and having their personal information out there (where they work, what they do, etc.)? I am a student working onRead… Read more »