Posts Tagged: collaboration

Moving from Attention to Engagement to Participation – More World of GovCraft

Continuing my thinking on the World of GovCraft, I’ve started to think about what the real challenge is for government, various comments suggested that Government is so disconnected that it is unlikely that we will start to bridge the gap. But i’m starting to wonder whether this just an illusion and we are only creatingRead… Read more »

Netflix Movie Recommendations: Secret to the Value of Social Networking?

Netflix is a subscription based DVD rental service that lets its customers browse thousands of movies online and then delivers them though the mail system. With so many movie choices available and to be competitive with brick and mortar rental establishments, Netflix has improved its customer satisfaction though numerous user interface improvements, movie distribution centers,Read… Read more »

Project of the Week: Neighbors for Neighbors

How many neighbors do you know on your street? When was the last time you did something together as a community? Have you ever had to deal with crime in your neighborhood, or known a neighbor in need but did not know where to start? Well, if you lived in Joseph Porcelli’s neighborhood of JamaicaRead… Read more »

Navigating the Social Media Landscape

“Social Media” is a squishy topic to a lot of people, and particularly to decision makers within many organizations. The gurus seem to know what they are talking about — mostly — but even the concept of “social media expert” is riddled with fallacy. The problem, as I see it, is that social media hasRead… Read more »

Social Media & Government: An Oxymoron or a Perfect Challenge? orginally published by NAGC Newsletter, February 2010Social Media & Government: An Oxymoron or a Perfect Challenge?Author: Andrea Schneider Social Media is an Open System. Thriving social media sites are interactive, ever evolving, receptive to change, build relationships, share information, and rely on constant communication. They are community building, dependent on participation, and highly collaborativeRead… Read more »

Rewarding Innovation In Government

Yesterday I read an article ( by Doug Beizer that profiled the White House’s new policy on carrying out contests to spur innovation. I think it’s grand that the White House recognizes the power of using gaming and rewards mechanisms within an innovation setting; however, it challenges agencies to develop this with little direction asRead… Read more »