Posts Tagged: collaboration

Researching Digital Government of the 21st Century

A group of researchers from some of the top schools with programs related to digital government got together last month to discuss the role of research in the digital government arena, it’s importance for the future, and how to get it better funded. The get-together was entitled “Information, Technology, and Governance: A Grand Challenges ResearchRead… Read more »

Institutions Versus Collaboration

I watched a great TED talk on youtube by Clay Shirky called “Institutions versus Collaboration.” The link was forwarded to me by Mark Horowitz, who is working to introduce wiki technology at the Millennium Challenge Corporation and wanted to learn about USAID’s experience with Developedia. The Shirky talk is from 2005, but the issues raisedRead… Read more »

Heavenly Answers for Earthly Problems

I’m SO excited to share details about NASA’s newest, coolest, never-been-done-before sustainability initiative, LAUNCH:Water. Accelerating Innovation for a Sustainable Future. We’ve been working on this project for some time — an innovative collaborative process to “launch” ideas, or disruptive green technologies, that address some of this planet’s growing pains. All props to NASA’s Robbie Schingler,Read… Read more »

Acquisition 2.0 Starts With FAR 2.0

Originally posted on BetterBlog, this official blog of the Better Buy Project. Let me first apologize to Andy Krzmarzick, as I have been promising a post on performance-based contracting and how it relates to the Better Buy Project and the Acquisition 2.0 initiative. I actually started that post, but put in on hold a bitRead… Read more »

Designing Government for the People

I was talking to a co-worker about our office’s reconfiguration plans, which involve merging divisions and training employees to handle a wider variety of customer needs. It’s a nice plan, and it is likely to benefit our customers by removing the layers they have to dig through to get to the services they need. InRead… Read more »

Fighting Internet-based Capabilities: Irresponsible and Ineffective

It’s the latest buzz, the Department of Defense (DoD) announcement that it had finally issued policy on Internet Based Capabilities early afternoon on February 26, 2010. I’m excited to see it finally arrive, but in some sense it’s a surprise left cold and waiting like a ragged banana peel discarded last fall and finally uncoveredRead… Read more »

How-To: Tips for Building a Collaborative Environment

After completing the February Open Government Directive Workshop, we realized that it’s much easier to think about collaboration and build collaborative practices into an agency’s open government plan it’s done in a collaborative environment. (Final results of the teams’ collaborations are posted at the top of the OpenGov Playbook and the teams offer great suggestionsRead… Read more »

David Frum is “Totally Against Transparency”

I must say, as a media stakeholder, I am outraged at David Frum editor of the Frum Forum, who speaking this morning on CNN about the Health care Summit indicated that he is “totally against transparency.” If David’s statement is not challenged, then David just got free air time to minimize all of the effortsRead… Read more »

DoD Publishes a Common Sense Approach to Social Media

The long awaited Department of Defense Social Media policy was announced with much fanfare Friday and it is an incredibly well thought out common sense approach that has public affairs officers world wide rejoicing. It has been a long time coming for the evangelists of new media in the ranks who have been battling forRead… Read more »