Posts Tagged: collaboration

How-To: Tips for Building a Collaborative Environment

After completing the February Open Government Directive Workshop, we realized that it’s much easier to think about collaboration and build collaborative practices into an agency’s open government plan it’s done in a collaborative environment. (Final results of the teams’ collaborations are posted at the top of the OpenGov Playbook and the teams offer great suggestionsRead… Read more »

David Frum is “Totally Against Transparency”

I must say, as a media stakeholder, I am outraged at David Frum editor of the Frum Forum, who speaking this morning on CNN about the Health care Summit indicated that he is “totally against transparency.” If David’s statement is not challenged, then David just got free air time to minimize all of the effortsRead… Read more »

DoD Publishes a Common Sense Approach to Social Media

The long awaited Department of Defense Social Media policy was announced with much fanfare Friday and it is an incredibly well thought out common sense approach that has public affairs officers world wide rejoicing. It has been a long time coming for the evangelists of new media in the ranks who have been battling forRead… Read more »

Enterprise 2.0: What’s In It For Us?

While many Internet companies are still trying to figure out how to make money with Web 2.0, where it’s really taking off is the enterprise. Often referred to as Enterprise 2.0, this is the sweet spot for businesses – using social technology to empower your existing employees. Social applications let employees connect across organizations, andRead… Read more »

Just Do It! Top 5 Tips from the WIRe Conference 2010

I had the chance to attend the WIRe conference over the last couple days on behalf of GovLoop. The Conference theme this year was “Beyond Tools: Transforming Online Intelligence.” The event kicked off with remarks from the Director and Managing Editor of the WIRe, Geoffrey Fowler. With insight from past WIRe conferences and setting theRead… Read more »

Co-creation, ideation, and other -ations at the federal government level

I had the pleasure of participating on Government 2.0 radio last night, chatting about collaboration, innovation and social media in Government ( One of the most interesting items we discussed was the Federal Agency Ideascale Dashboard (, which you should check out regardless of your interest in government 2.0 initatives. Here is why: * ThisRead… Read more »

Why I Tweet? Amplifying Messages & Obtaining Results

Disclaimer: The post below was originally sent to a mailing list of people that are less familiar with social media tools, hence the basic explanatory nature of how Twitter works throughout the post. Lately there have been many articles and interviews, mostly from senior leaders, explaining why they use social media tools. Most of thoseRead… Read more »

Facilitation and bringing the lurkers out of the shadows.

This post was partly prompted by Andrew’s discussion of lurkers here. Next week, the IDeA will be hosting an online conference on online facilitation – Facilitation Now! . ( I’m really pleased to be a contributor on Thursday the 25th in a session on online conferences.) I’m really looking forward to the conference because evenRead… Read more »

Business IT Decision Making

Launching a new technological capability is a very complex endeavor. Decision makers have a huge challenge to become familiar with every aspect concerning the preparation, creation, deployment, integration and use of their technological capabilities. This is no small undertaking and isn’t something that can be accomplished without some help. If you’re a pilot and flyRead… Read more »

Social Media isn’t a Prerequisite for Open Government

This post originally appeared on my external blog,“Social Media Strategery.” Open Government/Government 2.0 is about more than wikis, open data, Twitter, Web 2.0, or social media—it is about the strategic use of technology to transform our government into a platform that is participatory, collaborative, and transparent. Sure, social media can help facilitate this transformation, butRead… Read more »