Posts Tagged: collaboration

A fundemental problem in introducing new technology and business change

On my Capgemini Blog someone posted a very insightful comment recently; “If you are a carpenter with a traditional saw and you buy a motor powered bench saw (new technology) then you had better change the way you work because lifting up the new bench saw and taking it to the wood certainly isn’tRead… Read more »

Govloop Guides: Transparency

“How do you take all of the great knowledge and information that is created through discussions, blogs, and forums on Govloop, and share it with peers and colleagues in government?” This is a common question that people ask about govloop, and one that I’ve been working with Steve on for the past few months. OneRead… Read more »

Is Government a Partner with Private Sector Initiatives for Change?

This past weekend I had the good fortune to attend an un-conference on Social Media, Collaboration and Social Enterprise. It was great to be around my peers from other sectors.The government sector is rarely at this table as a partner. I think this is a problem.There is a convergence of thinking and emerging collective intelligenceRead… Read more »

Private & Public Abundance: The Fuel Behind the United States’ 20th-Century Rise

I just returned from a (smooth and perfect) two-weeks cross country trip through Panama, my home country. The trip had multiple purposes including reconnecting with parts of the country I had not visited in over 15 years. But, an unexpected result from this much planned journey came from an unlikely source. While driving to theRead… Read more »

Ten Things to Monitor As Agencies Invite Input On Open Government Plans

This post was originally published on the Intellitics blog: Ten Things to Monitor As Agencies Invite Input On Open Government Plans Now that a whole lot of websites are live and many agencies have indeed set up a ”mechanism for the public to […] [p]rovide input on the agency’s Open Government Plan” it’s timeRead… Read more »

Towards a More Transparent and Collaborative Government: One Year In

The other day I was having lunch with Rich Dougherty, the CEO of Expert Choice, a collaboration software company in Arlington, VA that is a client of mine. We were discussing the trends towards a more transparent and collaborative federal government. I decided to record it with my iPhone and turn it into an interview.Read… Read more »

Beltway VIPs Break Through Collaboration Barriers Within ‘Safe Haven’

Mount St. Mary’s University and Yakabod offer secure knowledge-sharing test drive FREDERICK, Md., Jan. 26 /PRNewswire/ — An unlikely mix of intelligence officers, Capitol Hill executives and students gets together 24/7 in a virtual community launched recently by the Delaney Center at Mount St. Mary’s University. The invitation-only network links bioterrorism experts, bodyguards, aerospace engineersRead… Read more »

The act of participating, not the process of managing participation

I was reading an interesting post earlier today ( A Better Way to Manage Knowledge – John Hagel III and John Seely Brown – Harvard Business Review) and it triggered a number of thoughts in my head. Perhaps the act of participating is far more important to get right then the process of managing thatRead… Read more »